Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Gender and Theology Discrimination Sociology of Religion Gender and Gender studies Educational research Inclusion and exclusion of miorities Minority - Majority Sexual and gender diversity Diveristy studies
Research projects
Completed research projects
Leisure activities for Children and Youth in a Gender Equality Perspective
In this project, NOVA will review research from the last ten years that address children and youth’s leisure time in combination with perspectives on gender, gender equality and gender stereotypes.
Prevention of prejudice and promotion of inclusive school environment through increased diversity competence
The main goal of this project is to develop new knowledge on prejudice, hate speech and practices and attitudes that might cause exclusion in the school context.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Johannessen, Elise Margrethe Vike
Røthing, Åse
Meningsmangfold og ubehag i klasserommet.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 106.
Myrebøe, Tonje
Røthing, Åse
Hvor går grensen? Læreres fortellinger om praksiser i møte med elevers nedsettende ytringer om minoritetsgrupper.
Lippe, von der, Marie (Ed.).
Fordommer i skolen : Gruppekonstruksjoner utenforskap og inkludering. p. 62-83.
Røthing, Åse (2021). Seksualitet og kjønn i skolen - muligheter og utfordringer i LK20. Postholm, May Britt; Haug, Peder; Krumsvik, Rune Johan; Munthe, Elaine (Ed.). Elev i skolen 5-10 : Mangfold og mestring. p. 224-244. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Røthing, Åse (2021). Perspektiver på kjønn i skolen. Heldal, Janicke; Wittek, Anne Line (Ed.). Pedagogikk - en grunnbok. p. 299-316. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Røthing, Åse
; Engebretsen, Elisabeth Lund
Maktkritiske perspektiver i høyere utdanning? En undersøkelse av omfang og anvendelse i utvalgte programplaner.
Vol. 42.
Røthing, Åse
"Ubehagets pedagogikk" - en inngang til kritisk refleksjon og inkluderende undervisning?.
FLEKS - Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and practice.
Vol. 6.
Røthing, Åse (2017). Mangfoldskompetanse. Perspektiver på undervisning i yrkesfag. ISBN: 9788202555030. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Lorentzen, Gro
Røthing, Åse
Demokrati og kritisk tenkning i lærebøker.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
Røthing, Åse
Sexual orientation in Norwegian science textbooks: Heteronormativity and selective inclusion in textbooks and teaching.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
Vol. 67.
Thomas, Paul
Røthing, Åse
Exploring feminism in a multicultural classroom: using Bend it Like Beckham as a tool in a high school class.
Intercultural Education.
Vol. 28.