Academic interests
urban development and sustainability
place- and area development
urban ecology
environmental and climate challenges
political activism/civil society/urban participation/co-creation
nature- and culture heritage management
sustainable tourism
food and sustainability
social change/sustainable ‘green’ adaptation
Teaching/lecturing experience
Institute for Social Anthropology (SAI), University of Oslo:
SAI’s BA program:
SOSANT1200 – ‘Political Anthropology’
SOSANT3090 – ‘Bachelor Essay’
SOSANT2600 – ‘Anthropology in Practice’
SOSANT1050 – ‘Ethnographic Methods’
Center for Development and the Environment (SUM), University of Oslo
SUM’s MA program - Development, Environment and Cultural Change:
SUM 4100 – ‘Research Methods I’
SUM 4100 – ‘Research Methods II’
SUM4019 – ‘Consumption, Sustainability and Social Change’
SUM4012 – ‘Cross-Cultural Perspectives on the Environment’
University of Dubrovnik (UniDu), Croatia:
UniDu’s BA program Media and Communication
‘Anthropology of the Media’
Celine Motzfeldt Loades has a doctoral degree (Ph.D.) and Master of Arts (MA) in social anthropology from the Department of Social Anthropology (SAI), University of Oslo, as well as a Bachelor of Arts (BA) in social anthropology and communication studies from Goldsmiths College, the University of London. She has worked as a Ph.D. scholar and guest researcher at the Centre for Development and the Environment (SUM), the University of Oslo. Loades has also been a guest researcher and lecturer at the University of Dubrovnik (UniDu), Croatia.
Loades has carried out long-term ethnographic fieldwork in Dubrovnik (Croatia) and Orvieto (Italy).
Loades has extensive experience within the fields of sustainability and urban development. She is especially interested in processes of societal and environmental change, connections between socio-cultural, environmental, spacial and temporal relations and how these contribute towards forming cities’ potentialities for sustainable development and green transition.
Loades has also experience in applied anthropology. She has work experience as a project leader (2020-2021) in Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature where she led the school project, ‘Urban Nature – Young People’s Participation in Nature- and Regional Conflicts in the Oslo Region’.
Other engagements:
Board member, Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature, Oslo and Akershus, (2020 – 2022)
Leder of the Urban Ecology Group, Norwegian Society for the Conservation of Nature, Oslo and Akershus, (2019 – )
Board member, Journal of Urban Culture Research (JUCR), (2014 – 2019)
Network member and organizer, Nettverksmedlem, organisator, Urban Culture Plaza - Network for Urban Culture Research, (2014 – 2020)
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
FUSILLI - Fostering the Urban Food System Transformation through Innovative Living Labs Implementation
Through experimental methods and knowledge sharing, researchers will explore new ways of producing and distributing food in European cities. OsloMet and the municipality of Oslo are Norwegian partners in the project, which has been supported by Horizon 2020, the EU's framework program for research.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Loades, Celine Motzfeldt
Walls and Gateways - Contested Heritage in Dubrovnik.
ISBN: 9781800733541.
368 p.
Berghahn Books.
Loades, Celine Motzfeldt
Heritage and scale – Challenges to wellbeing and place management in Dubrovnik’s world heritage site.
Journal of Urban Culture Research.
Vol. 19 Jul-Dec 2019.
Loades, Celine Motzfeldt
Contested Places and Ambivalent Identities –
Social Change and Development in UNESCO Enlisted Dubrovnik.
18 p.
Journal of Urban Culture Research.
Vol. Volume 12 .
Loades, Celine Motzfeldt (2012). A Beautiful Burden? Identity Constructions in a Post-War Heritage City. Nielsen, Kenneth Bo; Bjørkdahl, Kristian (Ed.). Development and Environment: Practices, Theories, Policies. p. 155-171. Akademisk Forlag.