Diego Praino is Associate Professor of Public Law at Oslo Business School at OsloMet, where he teaches Arbeidsrett (Labour Law, BAL1300), Arbeidsrettslige perspektiver i endringsprosesser (Labour Law in Change Processes, MSLV4700), EU Law and Politics (BALV3500), and Immigration Law (MINF6200), and where he has responsibility as academic international coordinator. He holds a Ph.D. in Law and Economics (with main focus on Constitutional Law) from Scuola Normale Superiore and University of Naples Federico II. His research focuses on immigration legislation, the European integration process and forms of government. His work is published in academic journals such as Nordic Journal of Migration Research, Kritisk Juss, Journal of European Integration, Revista Catalana de Dret Public.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Constitutional law Labour and Employment Law EU/EEA law Immigration law
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Praino, Diego
; Larsen, Kjetil Mujezinovic
Oppholdstillatelse til selvstendig næringsdrivende kunstnere.
Kritisk juss.
Vol. 49.
Praino, Diego
; Nikolič, Bruno; Corleto, Michele
Causing or Preventing (Reverse) Discrimination When Transposing EU Free-Movement Rules in the European Economic Area: A First Categorization of the Approaches Adopted by National Legislators.
Nordic Journal of Migration Research.
Vol. 13.
Praino, Diego ; Troisi, Michela (2023). Legislators, Constitutional Courts and Medically Assisted Death: Remarks on Italy and Portugal. Rivista Gruppo di Pisa. Dibattito aperto sul Diritto e la Giustizia costituzionale.
Ferraiuolo, Gennaro;
Praino, Diego
The role of political parties in the Italian electoral reforms.
Revista Catalana de Dret Públic.
Praino, Diego
A new system of government? Defining the confidence relationship of the EU model.
Journal of European Integration.
Vol. 39.
Praino, Diego (2017). Democratic in structure, but not in performance. Verifying the democratic nature of the EU. Osservatorio costituzionale.
Praino, Diego (2016). Processo di integrazione europea e sovranità. Indicazioni provenienti dalle altre forme di affiliazione con l’UE. Osservatorio costituzionale.
Praino, Diego (2016). The Right to Self-Determination in Sicily: The Special Statute, Regional Autonomy, and the Party System. Turp, Daniel; Sanjaume-Calvet, Marc (Ed.). The Emergence of a Democratic Right to Self-Determination in Europe. p. 192-199. Centre Maurits Coppieters.
Praino, Diego (2014). La definizione e il funzionamento della forma di governo nel contesto partitico. Staiano, Sandro (Ed.). p. 3-32. Jovene.
Praino, Diego (2014). Delega legislativa e omogeneità dell’emendamento rispetto al decreto-legge. Nota a Corte cost., sent. n. 237 del 2013. Federalismi.it.