Research groups
Publications and research
Vanebo, Guro ; Evang, Hanne Kihlman (2024). Sang i norskfaget 5.-10.trinn. Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Danbolt, Ingrid Anette; Haukenes, Siri (Ed.). Sangglede og stemmebruk i skolen. p. 247-263. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S.
Evang, Hanne Kihlman ; Vanebo, Guro (2024). Sang som estetisk arbeidsform i skolen. Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Danbolt, Ingrid Anette; Haukenes, Siri (Ed.). Sangglede og stemmebruk i skolen. p. 193-205. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S.
Berg, Lise-Kari ; Standal, Øyvind Førland; Evang, Hanne Kihlman (2022). The arts and crafts teachers practical knowledge. An interview project. The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) 2022. University of Iceland - School of Education.
Berg, Lise-Kari ; Evang, Hanne Kihlman ; Standal, Øyvind Førland (2022). Practising in Practical and Aesthetical School Subjects. The Nordic Educational Research Association (NERA) 2022 . University of Iceland - School of Education.