Norwegian version
Henrik Forssell

Henrik Forssell

Scientific publications

Mathisen, Steinar ; Sundtjønn, Trude ; Forssell, Jon Henrik (2023). BlueBots and irrational numbers: Contingency moments in teaching mathematics and computational thinking in teacher education. Drijvers, Paul; Csapodi, Csaba; Palmer, Hanna; Gosztonyi, Katalin; Kónya, Eszter (Ed.). Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). p. 2736-2743. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.

Forssell, Henrik ; Kharlamov, Evgeny; Thorstensen, Evgenij (2020). On equivalence and cores for incomplete databases in open and closed worlds. Leibniz International Proceedings in Informatics. Vol. 155.

Forssell, Jon Henrik ; Gylterud, Håkon Robbestad; Spivak, David I (2020). Type theoretical databases. Journal of Logic and Computation. Vol. 30.

Forssell, Henrik ; Lumsdaine, Peter Lefanu (2019). Constructive Reflectivity Principles for Regular Theories. Journal of Symbolic Logic (JSL). Vol. 84.

Skjæveland, Martin G; Lupp, Daniel P.; Karlsen, Leif Harald; Forssell, Jon Henrik (2018). Practical Ontology Pattern Instantiation, Discovery, and Maintenance with Reasonable Ontology Templates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Vol. 11136.

Skjæveland, Martin G; Forssell, Jon Henrik ; Kluwer, Johan Wilhelm; Lupp, Daniel Paul; Thorstensen, Evgenij; Waaler, Arild (2017). Pattern-Based Ontology Design and Instantiation with Reasonable Ontology Templates. 15 p. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 2043.

Skjæveland, Martin G; Forssell, Jon Henrik ; Klüwer, Johan W.; Lupp, Daniel Paul; Thorstensen, Evgenij; Waaler, Arild (2017). Reasonable ontology templates: APIs for OWL: Efficient and practical ontology design and maintenance. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 1963.

Forssell, Jon Henrik ; Lupp, Daniel Paul; Skjæveland, Martin G; Thorstensen, Evgenij (2017). Reasonable macros for ontology construction and maintenance. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. Vol. 1879.

Forssell, Jon Henrik ; Gylterud, Håkon Robbestad; Spivak, David I (2016). Type theoretical databases. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). Vol. 9537.

Forssell, Henrik (2013). Subgroupoids and quotient theories. Theory and Applications of Categories.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete