Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Classroom activities for the six-year-olds – 20 years on (Klassprax_20)
The project investigates and evaluates the classroom activities of six year old children.
Mathematics, Science and Computational Thinking (MASCOT)
MASCOT is an interdisciplinary, collaborative and innovative research collaboration that aims to develop knowledge about teaching, learning and assessment processes of computational thinking in teacher education and school.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Sundtjønn, Trude
Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen
; Møller, Thilde Emilie; Schrøder, Vibeke
Review on pedagogical practices for computational thinking in teacher education: Characterizing an emerging field.
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE).
Vol. 8:4.
Sundtjønn, Trude ; Kjensli, Grethe (2023). Facilitators’ feedback in a mathematics education course for practicing teachers. Drijvers, Paul; Csapodi, Csaba; Palmer, Hanna; Gosztonyi, Katalin; Kónya, Eszter (Ed.). Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). p. 4834-4841. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
Mathisen, Steinar ; Sundtjønn, Trude ; Forssell, Jon Henrik (2023). BlueBots and irrational numbers: Contingency moments in teaching mathematics and computational thinking in teacher education. Drijvers, Paul; Csapodi, Csaba; Palmer, Hanna; Gosztonyi, Katalin; Kónya, Eszter (Ed.). Proceedings of the thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13). p. 2736-2743. European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
Kjensli, Grethe ; Nordby, Siri Krogh ; Sundtjønn, Trude Pedersen (2022). Norwegian primary teacher education: Prospective teachers' responses to short written feedback. Hodgen, Jeremy; Geraniou, Eirini; Bolondi, Giorgio; Feretti, Federica; Ferretti, Federica (Ed.). Proceedings of the 12th Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME12). European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
Sundtjønn, Trude
Students’ Discussions on a Workplace Related Task.
Ubuz, Behiye; Haser, Çiğdem; Mariotti, Maria Alessandra (Ed.).
Proceedings of the Eighth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education. p. 1117-1126.
European Society for Research in Mathematics Education.
Presthus, Anne Marie; Sundtjønn, Trude (2011). Samarbeidsrelasjoner mellom pedagogikk og andre fag. Presthus, Anne Marie (Ed.). Fra teori til praksis og tilbake igjen Forsøk med praksis som integrerende element i lærerutdanningen - PIL-forsøket ved Universitetet i Agder. p. 41-47. Universitetet i Agder.