Fields of study
Academic disciplines
General education Special needs education
Subject areas
Research method Classroom research Qualitative data analysis Individualized instruction Sociocultural theory Observation protocols Codebooks/observation protocols Observation Theories of learning Observation Learning in interaction Dialgism Social Constructivism Analytical methods Early literacy Educational dialogues Classroom dialogues Children and language
Research groups
Research projects
Classroom activities for the six-year-olds – 20 years on (Klassprax_20)
The project investigates and evaluates the classroom activities of six year old children.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Hagtvet, Bente E.; Hølland, Silje ; Brinchmann, Ellen Irén; Engevik, Liv Inger; Karlsen, Jannicke; Kruse, Jana (2024). The Importance of Intersubjectivity in Teacher– Child Joint Story Construction. Erstad, Ola Andres; Hagtvet, Ragna Bente; Wertsch, James V. (Ed.). Education and Dialogue in Polarized Societies. p. 239-270. Oxford University Press.
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen ; Hølland, Silje (2021). Analyse og kategorisering av videodata. Andersson-Bakken, Emilia; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (Ed.). Metoder i klasseromsforskning Forskningsdesign, datainnsamling og analyse. p. 263-286. Universitetsforlaget.
Røe-Indregård, Hanne
Hølland, Silje
; Hagtvet, Bente Eriksen
Barnehagelæreres samtalestrategier og fem-seks-åringers deltakelse i utvidende samtaler.
Norsk tidsskrift for logopedi.
Engevik, Liv Inger;
Hølland, Silje
; Hagtvet, Bente Eriksen
Re-conceptualizing "directiveness" in educational dialogues: A contrastive study of interactions in preschool and special education.
Early Childhood Research Quarterly.
Vol. 30.
Hagtvet, Bente Eriksen; Lyster, Solveig-Alma Halaas; Melby-Lervåg, Monica; Næss, Kari-Anne Bottegaard ; Hjetland, Hanne Næss ; Engevik, Liv Inger; Hølland, Silje ; Karlsen, Jannicke; Klem, Marianne; Kruse, Jana (2011). Ordforråd i førskolealder og senere leseferdigheter - En metaanalytisk tilnærming. Spesialpedagogikk.