Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Education Political science and organisational theory Humanities
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Searching for Qualities
Investigation and research on the quality in Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) for children under the age of three years.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Myrvold, Trine
Os, Ellen
Institutionalised Social Innovation: The Case of Oslo, Norway.
Gallego, Raquel; Motos, Sheila Gonzales; Maestripieri, Lara (Ed.).
Social Innovation and Welfare State Retrenchment: A Comparative Analysis of Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe and Beyond. p. 155-173.
Emerald Group Publishing Limited.
Bjørnestad, Elisabeth
; Broekhuizen, Martine Louise;
Os, Ellen
; Baustad, Anne Grethe
Interaction Quality in Norwegian ECEC for Toddlers Measured with the Caregiver Interaction Profile (CIP) Scales.
20 p.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
Os, Ellen
Hernes, Leif
Children Under the Age of Three in Norwegian Childcare: Searching for Qualities.
Garvis, Susanne; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Sheridan, Sonja; Williams, Pia (Ed.).
Nordic Families, Children and Early Childhood Education. p. 139-171.
Palgrave Macmillan.
Kjørholt, Anne Trine; Os, Ellen (2019). Barnehagen som materielt og kulturelt landskap. Arkitektur, innredning og leketøy. Hernes, Leif; Vist, Torill; Winger, Nina (Ed.). Blikk for barn. p. 75-103. Fagbokforlaget.
Os, Ellen ; Winger, Nina ; Eide, Brit Johanne (2019). Visjoner om kvalitet. Barnehagelæreres synspunkter på hva som kan gjøre barnehagen bedre for barn under tre år. Hernes, Leif; Vist, Torill; Winger, Nina (Ed.). Blikk for barn. p. 31-54. Fagbokforlaget.
Vist, Torill
Os, Ellen
Music education through the lens of ITERS-R: Discussing results from 206 toddler day care groups.
Research Studies in Music Education.
Os, Ellen
Engaging toddlers in interactions during meals: group-related joint attention.
Nordisk barnehageforskning (NBF).
Vol. 18.
Bjørnestad, Elisabeth
Os, Ellen
Quality in Norwegian childcare for toddlers using ITERS-R.
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Vol. 26.
Os, Ellen ; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth (2016). Undersøkelse av støtte til samspill mellom småbarn. Et kritisk blikk på ITERS-R-skalaen. Gulpinar, Tona; Hernes, Leif; Winger, Nina (Ed.). Blikk fra barnehagen. p. 69-95. Fagbokforlaget.
Alvestad, Torgeir;
Bergem, Helen
; Eide, Brit Johanne;
Johansson, Jan-Erik
Os, Ellen
; Pálmadóttir, Hrönn; Pramling Samuelsson, Ingrid;
Winger, Nina
Challenges and dilemmas expressed by teachers working in toddler groups in the Nordic countries.
18 p.
Early Child Development and Care.
Vol. 184.