Norwegian version
Torill Vist

Torill Vist

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Humanities   Other subjects within education

Subject areas

Music   Artbased research methods   Preschool teacher education   Music pedagogy

Research projects

Ongoing research projects

  • Vibrant Connections

    In the project Vibrant Connections, we are particularly involved with how music, both traditional and new songs, can contribute to the preservation and renewal of immaterial cultural heritage in kindergartens and in kindergarten teacher training programmes.

Scientific publications

Vist, Torill ; Schei, Tiri Bergesen (2024). Narratives on Amateur Singers: Dialogues About Voice Shame and Resilience. Schei, Tiri Bergesen; Holdhus, Kari Mette; Ehrlich, Amira (Ed.). Methodological Musings: Thinking with Narrative in Music Education Research. Springer Nature.

Vist, Torill (2023). Research from the eye of the hurricane : Slow sensitivity as resilient re-engagement in research after physical trauma. Landscapes: the arts, aesthetics, and education. Vol. 36.

Vist, Torill ; Holdhus, Kari Mette (2023). ‘We cannot afford outsiderness’ : Inclusion, sustainable development and arts education. Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R).

Vist, Torill (2022). Fortellinger om samsang – fellesskap i og mellom generasjoner. MusPed:Research. Vol. 5.

Gulpinar, Tona ; Hernes, Leif ; Vist, Torill (2019). Estetisk læring i et kunstpedagogisk perspektiv : en artikkel om kunstneriske møter. Hernes, Leif; Vist, Torill; Winger, Nina (Ed.). Blikk for barn. p. 123-140. Fagbokforlaget.

Winger, Nina ; Hernes, Leif ; Vist, Torill (2019). Blikk for barn. Hernes, Leif; Vist, Torill; Winger, Nina (Ed.). Blikk for barn. p. 11-30. Fagbokforlaget.

Hernes, Leif ; Vist, Torill ; Winger, Nina (2019). Blikk for barn. ISBN: 9788245023947. 227 p. Fagbokforlaget.

Vist, Torill ; Os, Ellen (2019). Music education through the lens of ITERS-R: Discussing results from 206 toddler day care groups. Research Studies in Music Education.

Almqvist, Cecilia Ferm; Vist, Torill (2019). Arts-Based Research in European Arts Education: Philosophical, ontological and epistemological introductions. The European Journal of Philosophy in Arts Education. Vol. 4.

Vist, Torill (2019). Estetisk læring, også på norsk?. Hernes, Leif; Vist, Torill; Winger, Nina (Ed.). Blikk for barn. p. 105-122. Fagbokforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete