My work and publications are related to various subdisciplines of current musicology: music therapy, ethnomusicology, music education and the sociology of music. Underlying my profesional work is an interest in understanding the many ways in which a musical practice is made meaningfull and powerful - as an emblem of national identity, as a tool for building group solidarity, or as spontaneous improvised communication between children.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Music education Musicology Other subjects within music Humanities
Subject areas
Ethnomusicology Music Therrapy Popular Music Studies
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
How do Norwegian Festivals Contribute to Artistic Development, Social Communities and New Forms of Political Participation? (FESTIPOL)
The overall aim is to investigate how support from the Arts Council Norway help Norwegian festivals to reach broader political aims related to artistic development, political participation and social community formation in practice?
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Graça, Jorge; Rodrigues, Paulo M.; Rodrigues, Helena;
Knudsen, Jan Sverre
Constraints and creativity: Transforming a live artistic experience for children into Zoom.
Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R).
Vol. 13.
Christophersen, Catharina Renate; Plaza, José Luis Aróstegui; Holdhus, Kari Mette; Kenny, Ailbhe;
Knudsen, Jan Sverre
; Lindgren, Monica; Väkevä, Lauri; Viig, Tine Grieg
Music Teacher Education for the Future: Reflections on Change.
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education (ACT).
Vol. 22.
Knudsen, Jan Sverre
En musikksjanger bygger sted - Stedsidentitet og musikkopplevelse på Notodden Blues Festival.
Studia Musicologica Norvegica.
Vol. 49.
Knudsen, Jan Sverre ; Ågedal, Lise Lotte (2023). Spontansangen i barnas verden. Balsnes, Anne Haugland; Hagen, Liv Anna; Haukenes, Siri (Ed.). Sangglede og stemmebruk i barnehagen. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Knudsen, Jan Sverre
; Onsrud, Silje Valde
Ideology, selective tradition, and naturalization in the music teacher education curriculum.
22 p.
Nordic Research in Music Education.
Vol. 4.
Knudsen, Jan Sverre
Arts for Children, Cultural Diversity and the Production of Difference.
16 p.
Nordic Journal of Art and Research (A & R).
Vol. 10.
Knudsen, Jan Sverre
To “Move, Surprise, and Thrill”: Thirty Years of Promoting Cultural Diversity in Norwegian School Concerts.
Kallio, Alexis Anja; Westerlund, Heidi; Karlsen, Sidsel; Marsh, Kathryn; Sæther, Eva (Ed.).
The politics of diversity in music education. p. 87-101.
Knudsen, Jan Sverre
Aglen, Gry Sagmo
Danbolt, Ingrid Anette
Engesnes, Nina
Musical pathfinders of the kindergarten.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood.
Knudsen, Jan Sverre (2018). Songkanon i skola och förskola. Trulsson, Ylva Hofvander; Westvall, Maria (Ed.). p. 121-136. Studentlitteratur AB.
Järviluoma-Mäkelä, Helmi; Kirkegaard, Annemette; Knudsen, Jan Sverre ; Otterbeck, Jonas (2017). Researching Music Censorship in Perspective. Kirkegaard, Annemette; Järviluoma-Mäkelä, Helmi; Knudsen, Jan Sverre; Otterbeck, Jonas (Ed.). Researching Music Censorship. p. 312-322. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.