Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
How do Norwegian Festivals Contribute to Artistic Development, Social Communities and New Forms of Political Participation? (FESTIPOL)
The overall aim is to investigate how support from the Arts Council Norway help Norwegian festivals to reach broader political aims related to artistic development, political participation and social community formation in practice?
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Helland, Håvard
; Wiborg, Øyvind Nicolay;
Røberg, Karl Ingar Kittelsen
Who chooses fast-track programs in mathematics? The role of class origin, ethnicity, and gender among Norwegian lower-secondary students.
25 p.
European Societies.
Admiraal, Wilfried
Røberg, Karl Ingar Kittelsen
Wiers-Jenssen, Jannecke
; Saab, Nadira
Mind the gap: Early-career teachers’ level of preparedness, professional development, working conditions, and feelings of distress.
Social Psychology of Education.
Vol. 26.
Admiraal, Wilfried
Røberg, Karl Ingar Kittelsen
Teachers’ job demands, resources and their job satisfaction: Satisfaction with school, career choice and teaching profession of teachers in different career stages.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
Vol. 125.
Madsen, Aleksander Å.;
Røberg, Karl Ingar Kittelsen
Education–occupation mismatch and long-term sickness absence: a longitudinal study of over- and under-education using Norwegian population data, 2003–2013.
Journal of Education and Work.
Vol. 34.
Røberg, Karl Ingar Kittelsen
Helland, Håvard
Do grades in higher education matter for labour market rewards? A multilevel analysis of all Norwegian graduates in the period 1990–2006.
20 p.
Journal of Education and Work.
Vol. 30.