Norwegian version
Elin Moen Dahl

Elin Moen Dahl


Elin Moen Dahl is a PhD student who holds a master's degree in sociology from the University of Oslo. Her research project focuses on the role of trade unions in the green transition. Her areas of interest include industrial relations, organizational change, and quantitative methods.

Scientific publications

Ingelsrud, Mari Holm ; Dahl, Elin Moen (2024). Changing Intention to Participate in Adult Education and Training in Norway: Compositional and Motivational Factors. Adult Education Quarterly.

Dahl, Elin Moen ; Falkum, Eivind (2022). Jobbfellesskap i et nedstengt arbeidsliv. Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift. Vol. 6.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete