Academic interests: Classroom research, Gender and gender research, Work plans, Self-regulation, High and low achievers, academic writing, Creativity Cecilie Pedersen Dalland is Assistant Professor at Oslo Metropolitan University, Faculty of Education and International Studies, Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education. Her research interests are in the areas of classroom research, individualised teaching, self-regulated learning and gender issues. She has ten years of teaching experience in primary schools in Oslo. Dalland has extensive experience in researching pedagogic practice at both school and classroom level. She is responsible for teaching and lecturing pedagogy for master students and is responsible for the Ph.D.-course Classroom Research at OsloMet. She is the head of the research group, Classroom research and member of the research group, Studies of the Teaching Profession, Teacher Education and Education Policy (TEPEE). Dalland is a part of three research projects: IMAT, Implementation of strategies for adapted education, Welfare Access Through Technology (WATT) and a research project which focuses on the youngest students in school, Evaluation of the six-year reform.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Academic writing Research method Classroom research Self regulated learning Qualitative research Gender and Gender studies Creativity Work plans Gils and boys High and low achievers Startegies used when working with work plans Bachelor students Method of analysis Educational reforms orrally skills Re-use of qualitative data Copperation between school and home Creative methods
Administrative field of work
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Classroom activities for the six-year-olds – 20 years on (Klassprax_20)
The project investigates and evaluates the classroom activities of six year old children.
IMaT – Inclusive Mathematics Teaching: Understanding and developing school and classroom strategies for raising attainment
This project aims to strengthen mathematics teaching in Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bjerke, Annette Hessen
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
Mausethagen, Sølvi
Knudsmoen, Hege
Negotiating performative and professional accountability in inclusive mathematics education in Norway.
International Journal of Educational Research.
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
Blikstad-Balas, Marte
; Svenkerud, Sigrun
The Eclectic Use of Theory in Educational Research Doctoral Theses.
23 p.
Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO).
Vol. 17.
Knudsmoen, Hege
Mausethagen, Sølvi
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
Ledelsesstrategier for utvikling av inkluderende undervisning.
14 p.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk.
Vol. 8.
Mausethagen, Sølvi
Knudsmoen, Hege
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
The clustering of public values in local educational governance: the case of inclusion.
16 p.
Education Inquiry.
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
Blikstad-Balas, Marte
; Klette, Kirsti; Roe, Astrid
Hjemmeskole under korona:
individuelle oppgaver og høye krav til selvregulert læring.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 4.
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
; White, Mark Christopher;
Blikstad-Balas, Marte
; Roe, Astrid
Individualised home schooling – at odds with the equity ambitions in the Nordic model of education?.
Education In The North.
Vol. 28.
Blikstad-Balas, Marte
; Klette, Kirsti; Roe, Astrid;
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
Homeschooling in Norway During the Pandemic-Digital Learning with Unequal Access to Qualified Help at Home and Unequal Learning Opportunities Provided by the School.
Reimers, Fernando (Ed.).
Primary and Secondary Education During Covid-19. p. 177-201.
Andersson-Bakken, Emilia ; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (2021). Gjenbruk av kvalitative data i utdanningsforskning. Andersson-Bakken, Emilia; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (Ed.). Metoder i klasseromsforskning Forskningsdesign, datainnsamling og analyse. p. 71-88. Universitetsforlaget.
Blikstad-Balas, Marte ; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (2021). Forskningsdesign - hva må du tenke på når du skal planlegge et forskningsprosjekt?. Andersson-Bakken, Emilia; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (Ed.). Metoder i klasseromsforskning Forskningsdesign, datainnsamling og analyse. p. 21-46. Universitetsforlaget.
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen ; Bjørnestad, Elisabeth ; Andersson-Bakken, Emilia (2021). Observasjon som metode i barnehage- og klasseromsforskning. Andersson-Bakken, Emilia; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (Ed.). Metoder i klasseromsforskning Forskningsdesign, datainnsamling og analyse. p. 125-152. Universitetsforlaget.