Hege Knudsmoen, cand. polit in pedagogy. She has conducted research in the field adapted education, inclusion and special education. In recent times, she has a special focus on international perspectives, practice- and study exchange, as well as internationalization at home (COIL).
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Research groups
Research projects
IMaT – Inclusive Mathematics Teaching: Understanding and developing school and classroom strategies for raising attainment
This project aims to strengthen mathematics teaching in Norwegian primary and lower secondary schools.
Practical placement in the Global South
The purpose of the project is to enhance practical placement in the Global South to achieve a more stable and permanently increased number of students, based on a more quality-assured collaboration with the Global South.
Supporting Content and Language Learning Across Diversity (SCALED)
The aim of the SCALED project is to develop a new online course: interactive and self-study mode that can be adapted to onsite use.
Teacher Education for a Future in Flux - TEFF Academy
An international research project addressing the need for joint training and further education that help teachers cope with recent challenges in schools.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bjerke, Annette Hessen
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
Mausethagen, Sølvi
Knudsmoen, Hege
Negotiating performative and professional accountability in inclusive mathematics education in Norway.
International Journal of Educational Research.
Xenofontos, Constantinos
; Solomon, Yvette;
Knudsmoen, Hege
Norwegian teachers’ perspectives on inclusive practices in the mathematics classroom.
International Journal of Inclusive Education.
Knudsmoen, Hege (2023). En historisk analyse av den pedagogisk- psykologiske tjenestens virksomhetsprofil. Hesjedal, Elisabeth; Furnes, Bjarte Reidar (Ed.). Spesialpedagogikk mellom profesjon og disiplin. En utviklingslinje i tre deler. Fagbokforlaget.
Slapac, Alina; Collett, Karen; Wessels, Frances Joan; Gamiet, Gasant;
Knudsmoen, Hege
Social Justice Pedagogy and Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL): Across Three Partner Higher Education Institutions.
Escudeiro, Paula; Escudeiro, Nuno; Bernardes, Oscar (Ed.).
Handbook of Research on Implementing Inclusive Educational Models and Technologies for Equity and Diversity.
IGI Global.
Knudsmoen, Hege
Mausethagen, Sølvi
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
Ledelsesstrategier for utvikling av inkluderende undervisning.
14 p.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk.
Vol. 8.
Mausethagen, Sølvi
Knudsmoen, Hege
Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen
The clustering of public values in local educational governance: the case of inclusion.
16 p.
Education Inquiry.
Faldet, Ann-Cathrin;
Knudsmoen, Hege
; Nes, Kari
Inkluderingsbegrepet under utvikling? En analyse av de norske læreplanverkene L97, LK06 og LK20.
18 p.
Nordisk tidsskrift for pedagogikk og kritikk.
Vol. 8.
Knudsmoen, Hege ; Mælan, Ellen Nesset; Løken, Gro (2018). Pedagogisk systemarbeid med bruk av pedagogisk analyse. Fasting, Rolf Bjarne (Ed.). Pedagogisk systemarbeid: endringsarbeid og organisasjonsutvikling i skolen og i PP-tjenesten. p. 119-132. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Faldet, Ann-Cathrin; Knudsmoen, Hege ; Nes, Kari (2017). Spesialpedagogikkens plass i lærerutdanningen - med Hamar som eksempel. Løtveit, Morten (Ed.). Tidssignaler: Lærerutdanningsfag i utvikling: Utdanning av lærere på Hamar - 150 år. p. 335-358. Oplandske Bokforlag.
Knudsmoen, Hege (2017). Frimodige samtaler om tilfredsstillende læringsutbytte. Haug, Peder (Ed.). Spesialundervisning – Innhald og funksjon. p. 170-189. Det Norske Samlaget.