Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Health sciences Nursing science Health service and health administration research Geriatrics
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Søberg, Helene L.
Koren Solvang, Per
; Andelic, Nada; Røe, Cecilie;
Kirkevold, Marit
Users' Perspectives on the Organization of Rehabilitation Services – A Focus Group Study of User Organization Representatives in Norway.
Health Expectations.
Vol. 27.
Røe, Cecilie; Gutenbrunner, Christoph; Bökel, Andrea;
Kirkevold, Marit
; Nugraha, Boya; Andelic, Nada; lu, juan; Bautz-Holter, Erik; Perrin, Paul B.; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Jahnsen, Reidun Birgitta; Månum, Grethe; Howe, Emilie Isager;
Bragstad, Line Kildal
Søberg, Helene Lundgaard
Proposed categories for reporting of service organization in rehabilitation in clinical trials: a discussion paper.
7 p.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
Vol. 60.
Teigland, Tonje; Igland, Jannicke; Graue, Marit; Blytt, Kjersti Marie; Haltbakk, Johannes; Tell, Grethe S.; Birkeland, Kåre Inge; Østbye, Truls;
Kirkevold, Marit
; Iversen, Marjolein M.
Associations between diabetes and risk of short-term and long-term nursing home stays among older people receiving home care services: A nationwide registry study.
9 p.
BMC Geriatrics.
Vol. 24.
Garder Pedersen, Synne; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Friborg, Oddgeir; Ørbo, Marte Christine; Løkholm, Mari Thoresen;
Kirkevold, Marit
; Heiberg, Guri Anita; Halvorsen, Marianne Berg
Metacognitive beliefs, mood symptoms, and fatigue four years after stroke: An explorative study.
Vol. 19.
Nyhagen, Ragnhild; Egerod, Ingrid; Rustøen, Tone; Lerdal, Anners;
Kirkevold, Marit
Family Members' Engagement in Symptom Communication, Assessment, and Management in the Intensive Care Unit: A Qualitative Study.
11 p.
Dimensions of Critical Care Nursing.
Vol. 43.
Heggen, Kristin; Kirkevold, Marit (2024). Sykepleiefaglige arbeids- og tenkemåter En caseorientert bok. ISBN: 9788205594715. 186 p. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Garder Pedersen, Synne; Anke, Audny Gabriele Wagner; Løkholm, Mari Thoresen; Halvorsen, Marianne;
Kirkevold, Marit
; Heiberg, Guri Anita; Ørbo, Marte Christine; Friborg, Oddgeir
Change characteristics of health-related quality of life and its association with post-stroke fatigue at four-year follow-up.
Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine.
Vol. 56.
Wittek, Anne Line; de Lange, Thomas;
Kirkevold, Marit
Supervisors supporting supervisors in the context of higher education.
19 p.
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.
van Nimwegen, Dagmar;
Hjelle, Ellen Gabrielsen
Bragstad, Line Kildal
Kirkevold, Marit
Sveen, Unni
; Hafsteinsdóttir, Thora; Schoonhoven, Lisette; Visser-Meily, Anne; de Man-van Ginkel, Janneke M.
Interventions for improving psychosocial well-being after stroke: A systematic review.
International Journal of Nursing Studies.
Vol. 142.
Nilsen, Helle Walseth;
Martinsen, Anne Catrine Trægde
; Johansen, Inger;
Kirkevold, Marit
; Sunnerhagen, Katharina Stibrant; Becker, Frank
Demographic, Medical, and Clinical Characteristics of a Population-Based Sample of Patients With Long-lasting Locked-In Syndrome.
Vol. 101.