Norwegian version
Per Koren Solvang

Per Koren Solvang

Fields of study

Academic disciplines


Research projects

Ongoing research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Søberg, Helene L. ; Koren Solvang, Per ; Andelic, Nada; Røe, Cecilie; Kirkevold, Marit (2024). Users' Perspectives on the Organization of Rehabilitation Services – A Focus Group Study of User Organization Representatives in Norway. Health Expectations. Vol. 27.

Koren Solvang, Per ; Fougner, Marit (2022). Learning from clinical placement experience: how do undergraduate physiotherapy students approach person-centered practice?. Physiotherapy Theory and Practice.

Lundberg, Camilla Stub ; Solvang, Per Koren (2022). Reframing disability in the labour market: Narratives of value told by employers. Alter - European Journal of Disability Research.

Feiring, Marte ; Koren Solvang, Per (2021). Mellom vitenskapelig stringens og samproduksjon i forskning. 14 p. Praktiske grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab. Vol. 15.

Arfa, Shahrzad ; Solvang, Per Koren ; Berg, Berit; Jahnsen, Reidun (2021). Participation in a rehabilitation program based on adapted physical activities in Norway: a qualitative study of experiences of immigrant parents and their children with disabilities. Disability and Rehabilitation. Vol. 44.

Solvang, Per Koren ; Heiaas, Ida; Romsland, Grace Inga; Søberg, Helene Lundgaard (2021). The unexpected other: Challenges and strategies after acquired impairment. 17 p. Health.

Koren Solvang, Per ; Sveen, Unni ; Lundgaard Søberg, Helene (2021). User involvement in the making: Positions and types of knowledge enacted in the interaction between service users and researchers in user panel meetings. 8 p. Health Expectations. Vol. 24.

Andreassen, Tone Alm ; Koren Solvang, Per (2021). Returning to work or working on one’s rehabilitation: Social identities invoked by impaired workers and professionals in health care and employment services. Sociology of Health and Illness.

Vågan, Andre; Olsson, Ann Britt Sandvin; Arntzen, Cathrine; Rise, Marit By; Grue, Jan; Haugland, Trude; Langeland, Eva ; Stenberg, Una; Solvang, Per Koren (2021). Rethinking long-term condition management: An actor-level framework. 15 p. Sociology of Health and Illness. Vol. 43.

Koren Solvang, Per ; Feiring, Marte (2021). Brukermedvirkning i forskning – i et kunnskapssosiologisk perspektiv. Skjeldal, Eskil (Ed.). Kritiske perspektiver på brukermedvirkning. p. 65-80. Universitetsforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete