Feiring has a magister degree in Sociology from 1992 and a PhD in the same field from University of Oslo 2009. Her PhD was on the history of rehabilitation, focusing on vocational aspects in Norway. She also has a BA in Occupational Therapy from 1982. Her research projects cover historical and critical perspectives on health policies, welfare services, professional and multi-professional knowledge, rehabilitation practices and civil movements. In addition to lecturing on the history and contemporary practices of rehabilitation, task shifting and user involvement, she holds courses in qualitative methods, text analysis and academic writing for bachelor-, master- and PhD students.
ORCID 0000-0001-8605-0890
Professional networks
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Health sciences Midical sciences Social sciences
Subject areas
Rehabilitation Text analysis Collaboration across the curriculum Theory of Interaction Qualitative methodologies Disease prevention Historical sociology Critical culture studies Disabled Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering Self help work Public health work
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Better adherence of antibiotics through academic detailing of community pharmacists
The purpose of this PhD project is to assess whether Academic Detailing is suitable as an intervention method for pharmacy pharmacists in the subject of antibiotic treatment and resistance.
Development of a care pathway for patients with hand osteoarthritis
The project aims to increase our knowledge of the current hand osteoarthritis pathways, the context and mechanisms for shifting tasks between health actors and care levels.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Magnussen, Hege Johanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Pinxsterhuis, Irma
; Sjøvold, Trine Amalie;
Feiring, Marte
Dialogued into being: Constructing knowledge about hand osteoarthritis from a polyphony of voices in healthcare encounters.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being.
Vol. 19.
Zink, Silje;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Feiring, Marte
Who Does What in Hand Osteoarthritis Care? A Qualitative Study of Boundary Work Between Rheumatologists and Occupational Therapists in Norway.
14 p.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.
Vol. 17.
Magnussen, Hege Johanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Pinxsterhuis, Irma
; Sjøvold, Trine Amalie;
Feiring, Marte
Negotiating Professional Tasks in a Hospital:
A Qualitative Study of Rheumatologists and
Occupational Therapists in the Management of
Hand Osteoarthritis.
17 p.
Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.
Vol. 16.
Magnussen, Hege Johanne;
Kjeken, Ingvild
Pinxsterhuis, Irma
; Sjøvold, Trine Amalie; Hennig, Toril; Thorsen, Eva Anette Gryttingslien;
Feiring, Marte
Participation in healthcare consultations: A qualitative study from the perspectives of persons diagnosed with hand osteoarthritis.
10 p.
Health Expectations.
Vol. 26.
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm;
Feiring, Marte
Charnock, Colin
Holm, Lene Berge
Krogstad, Tonje
Exploring patients' adherence to antibiotics by understanding their health knowledge and relational communication in encounters with pharmacists and physicians.
Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy (ERCSP).
Vol. 12.
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm;
Feiring, Marte
Charnock, Colin
Krogstad, Tonje
Holm, Lene Berge
Positioning of community pharmacists in interactions with general practitioners and patients regarding prescribing and using antibiotics.
Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Vol. 37.
Feiring, Marte
; Førland, Oddvar; Aspinal, Fiona; Rostgaard, Tine
The ideas of reablement and their travel across time and space.
Rostgaard, Tine; Parsons, John; Tuntland, Hanne Kristin (Ed.).
Reablement in Long-term Care for Older People. International Perspectives and Future Directions. p. 46-67.
Policy Press.
Kvambekk, Ann Kristin;
Feiring, Marte
; Askim, Torunn;
Langhammer, Birgitta
En studie av fysioterapeuters erfaringer som treningskoordinatorer i et forskningsprosjekt.
Sagstad, Kjersti; Howe, Emilie; Fure, Silje Christine Reistad; Løvstad, Marianne;
Enehaug, Heidi
; Ugelstad, Helene;
Feiring, Marte
; Andelic, Nada;
Sveen, Unni
Transition back to work after mild TBI: a qualitative study.
Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy.
Feiring, Marte
Koren Solvang, Per
Mellom vitenskapelig stringens og samproduksjon i forskning.
14 p.
Praktiske grunde. Nordisk tidsskrift for kultur- og samfundsvidenskab.
Vol. 15.