I am a registered nurse with special interest in health care ethics, normative ethics, nursing philosophy and nursing science, and nursing education. I have a master’s degree from the University of Oslo, and PhD from Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (OsloMet). I wrote both my master thesis and PhD on the topics of value conflicts, care ethics, and partiality in nursing care. In 2017, I published a book, “Partiality and Justice in Nursing Care”, on this topic. I work at the bacherlor’s programme in nursing, and at the master’s degree programme in empowerment and health promotion. I am also the head of the research group Empowerment at OsloMet.
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Nordhaug, Marita
Willassen, Elin Thove
Jerpseth, Heidi
; Tveiten, Sidsel;
Johannessen, Anne-Kari M.
Implications of constrained educational pathways for development of nursing students’ professional identity – A qualitative study.
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning.
Vol. 14.
Alvestad, Vibeke
Uppsata, Solveig
; Sortland, Kjersti;
Tveiten, Sidsel
Nordhaug, Marita
Fra helsefagarbeider til sykepleier En kvalitativ studie av studenters og læreres erfaringer med et alternativt bachelorløp.
Vol. 46.
Solbakken, Liss Marita;
Nordhaug, Marita
Halvorsen, Kristin
Patients’ experiences of involvement, motivation and coping with physiotherapists during subacute stroke rehabilitation–a qualitative study.
7 p.
European Journal of Physiotherapy.
Nordhaug, Marita
Quandaries of Autonomy and Empowerment in Evidence-Based Nursing Care.
13 p.
Professions and Professionalism.
Vol. 11.
Halvorsen, Kristin
Dihle, Alfhild
Hansen, Camilla
Nordhaug, Marita
Jerpseth, Heidi
Tveiten, Sidsel
Joranger, Pål
Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud
Empowerment in healthcare: A thematic synthesis and critical discussion of concept analyses of empowerment.
Patient Education and Counseling.
Vol. 103.
Uppsata, Solveig ; Iversen, Anita; Skommesvik, Siri; Nordhaug, Marita ; Onstad, Ragnhild Flittie ; Haukland, Magne ; Tveiten, Sidsel (2018). I en akseptert skvis mellom systemer og idealer? Lederes perspektiv på kvalitet i praksisveiledning. Tveiten, Sidsel; Iversen, Anita (Ed.). Veiledning i høyere utdanning. En vitenskapelig antologi.. p. 121-136. Fagbokforlaget.
Mortensen, Anne Helene
Nordhaug, Marita
Lohne, Vibeke
Nudging in Nursing.
Nursing Ethics.
Nordhaug, Marita (2018). Veilederens dobbeltrolle: etiske aspekter i praksisveiledning. Tveiten, Sidsel; Iversen, Anita (Ed.). Veiledning i høyere utdanning. En vitenskapelig antologi.. p. 202-214. Fagbokforlaget.
Onstad, Ragnhild Flittie ; Nordhaug, Marita ; Iversen, Anita; Skommesvik, Siri; Haukland, Magne ; Uppsata, Solveig ; Tveiten, Sidsel (2018). Kvalitet i praksisveiledning - en vedvarende utfordring? Erfaringer fra praksisveiledere. Tveiten, Sidsel; Iversen, Anita (Ed.). Veiledning i høyere utdanning. En vitenskapelig antologi.. p. 86-104. Fagbokforlaget.
Nordhaug, Marita (2017). Partiality and Justice in Nursing Care. ISBN: 978-0-415-79281-3. 126 p. Routledge.