I am a registered nurse with special interest in health care ethics, normative ethics, nursing philosophy and nursing science, and nursing education. I have a master’s degree from the University of Oslo, and PhD from Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences (OsloMet). I wrote both my master thesis and PhD on the topics of value conflicts, care ethics, and partiality in nursing care. In 2017, I published a book, “Partiality and Justice in Nursing Care”, on this topic. I work at the bacherlor’s programme in nursing, and at the master’s degree programme in empowerment and health promotion. I am also the head of the research group Empowerment at OsloMet.
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Nordhaug, Marita
Willassen, Elin Thove
Tveiten, Sidsel
Jerpseth, Heidi
Johannessen, Anne-Kari M.
Implications of constrained educational pathways for development of nursing students’ professional identity – A qualitative study.
Nordisk sygeplejeforskning.
Vol. 14.
Alvestad, Vibeke
Uppsata, Solveig
; Sortland, Kjersti;
Tveiten, Sidsel
Nordhaug, Marita
Fra helsefagarbeider til sykepleier En kvalitativ studie av studenters og læreres erfaringer med et alternativt bachelorløp.
Vol. 46.
Solbakken, Liss Marita;
Nordhaug, Marita
Halvorsen, Kristin
Patients’ experiences of involvement, motivation and coping with physiotherapists during subacute stroke rehabilitation–a qualitative study.
7 p.
European Journal of Physiotherapy.
Nordhaug, Marita
Quandaries of Autonomy and Empowerment in Evidence-Based Nursing Care.
13 p.
Professions and Professionalism.
Vol. 11.
Halvorsen, Kristin
Dihle, Alfhild
Hansen, Camilla
Nordhaug, Marita
Jerpseth, Heidi
Tveiten, Sidsel
Joranger, Pål
Knutsen, Ingrid Ruud
Empowerment in healthcare: A thematic synthesis and critical discussion of concept analyses of empowerment.
Patient Education and Counseling.
Vol. 103.
Mortensen, Anne Helene
Nordhaug, Marita
Lohne, Vibeke
Nudging in Nursing.
Nursing Ethics.
Onstad, Ragnhild Flittie ; Nordhaug, Marita ; Iversen, Anita; Skommesvik, Siri; Haukland, Magne ; Uppsata, Solveig ; Tveiten, Sidsel (2018). Kvalitet i praksisveiledning - en vedvarende utfordring? Erfaringer fra praksisveiledere. Tveiten, Sidsel; Iversen, Anita (Ed.). Veiledning i høyere utdanning. En vitenskapelig antologi.. p. 86-104. Fagbokforlaget.
Uppsata, Solveig ; Iversen, Anita; Skommesvik, Siri; Nordhaug, Marita ; Onstad, Ragnhild Flittie ; Haukland, Magne ; Tveiten, Sidsel (2018). I en akseptert skvis mellom systemer og idealer? Lederes perspektiv på kvalitet i praksisveiledning. Tveiten, Sidsel; Iversen, Anita (Ed.). Veiledning i høyere utdanning. En vitenskapelig antologi.. p. 121-136. Fagbokforlaget.
Nordhaug, Marita (2018). Veilederens dobbeltrolle: etiske aspekter i praksisveiledning. Tveiten, Sidsel; Iversen, Anita (Ed.). Veiledning i høyere utdanning. En vitenskapelig antologi.. p. 202-214. Fagbokforlaget.
Nordhaug, Marita (2017). Partiality and Justice in Nursing Care. ISBN: 978-0-415-79281-3. 126 p. Routledge.