Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter
Betre etterleving av antibiotikabehandling gjennom kunnskapsbaserte oppsummeringsvisittar til apotekfarmasøytar
Formålet ph.d.-prosjektet vårt er å kartleggje om kunnskapsbaserte oppdateringsvisittar eignar seg som intervensjonsmetode for apotekfarmasøytar innan emna antibiotikabehandling og resistens.
Effekten av ein digital pasientintervensjon på sjølvrapportert etterleving av legemiddelbruk
I dette ph.d.-prosjektet utviklar og validerer vi eit spørjeskjema for sjølvrapportert etterleving som vi bruker for å evaluere effekten av ein digital pasientintervensjon designa for å auke legemiddel-etterleving hos ei spesifikk pasientgruppe.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Larsen, Rønnaug;
Hole, Kristine
; Selle, Maria;
Landmark, Cecilie Johannessen
Krogstad, Tonje
Holm, Lene Berge
Access to a tailored mobile application enhances medication adherence among young users of antidepressants.
11 s.
Frontiers in Pharmacology.
Vol. 15.
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm; Langaas, Harald Chr.;
Krogstad, Tonje
Holm, Lene Berge
Academic Detailing is a Preferred Knowledge Update Tool Among Norwegian Pharmacists to Improve Antibiotic Counseling: Results From a Quantitative Study Employing the Provider Satisfaction With Academic Detailing (PSAD) and the Detailer Assessment of Visit Effectiveness (DAVE) Tools.
9 s.
Vol. 61.
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm;
Feiring, Marte
Charnock, Colin
Holm, Lene Berge
Krogstad, Tonje
Exploring patients' adherence to antibiotics by understanding their health knowledge and relational communication in encounters with pharmacists and physicians.
Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy (ERCSP).
Vol. 12.
Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm;
Feiring, Marte
Charnock, Colin
Krogstad, Tonje
Holm, Lene Berge
Positioning of community pharmacists in interactions with general practitioners and patients regarding prescribing and using antibiotics.
Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Vol. 37.
Paaske, Nanna
Øhrn, Solfrid Tandberg
Holm, Lene Berge
Walter, Anne Berit
Middle management in academia: Social skills and academic professional awareness wanted.
20 s.
International Journal of Management in Education (IJMIE).
Vol. 17.
Krogstad, Tonje
; Larsen, Rønnaug;
Holm, Lene Berge
Landmark, Cecilie Johannessen
; Granås, Anne Gerd
Patient-Centered Communication and Counseling to Ensure Patient Safety Through Correct Use of Medicines: Experiences and Challenges.
Olsen, Rose Mari; Sletvold, Hege (Red.).
Medication safety in municipal health and care services. s. 207-235.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Holm, Lene Berge
Rognes, Andre
; Dahl, Fredrik Andreas
The FLIPPED STEP study: A randomized controlled trial of flipped vs. traditional classroom teaching in a university-level statistics and epidemiology course.
International Journal of Educational Research Open.
Vol. 3.
Larsen, Rønnaug;
Pripp, Are Hugo
Krogstad, Tonje
Landmark, Cecilie Johannessen
Holm, Lene Berge
Development and validation of a new non-disease-specific survey tool to assess self-reported adherence to medication.
Frontiers in Pharmacology.
Vol. 13.
Holm, Lene Berge
; Bjørnenak, Tone; Kjæserud, Guri Galtung; Noddeland, Harald
Using discrete event simulation and soft systems methodology for optimizing patient flow and resource utilization at the surgical unit of radiumhospitalet in Oslo, Norway.
Winter simulation conference : proceedings.
Holm, Lene Berge
; Dahl, Fredrik Andreas; Barra, Mathias
Towards a multimethodology in health care–synergies between Soft Systems Methodology and Discrete Event Simulation.
12 s.
Health Systems.
Vol. 2.