English version
Marte Feiring

Marte Feiring

Kort om

Feiring er magister (mastergrad) i Sosiologi fra 1992 og har en PhD i samme disiplin fra Universitetet i Oslo i 2009. Hun er utdannet ergoterapeut fra Oslo i 1982. Feiring har hatt forskningsprosjekter innen helse- og velferdspolitikk, og har studert ulike profesjoners praksiser, fra barnevern til fysioterapi og ergoterapi. Hun forsker for tiden på brukermedvirkning i forskning, samt oppgaveglidning (oppgavedeling) mellom revmatologer, fastleger og ergoterapeuter. Innen undervisning holder hun forelesninger i akademisk skriving, kvalitative metoder, samt kritiske perspektiver på rehabilitering og funksjonshemming for bachelor-, master- og doktorgradsstudenter.

ORCID 0000-0001-8605-0890

Faglige nettverk/samarbeidspartnere






Andre helsefag   Sosiologi


Rehabilitering   Tekstanalyse   Tverrfaglig samarbeid   Samhandlingsteori   Kvalitative forskningsmetoder   Forebyggende helsearbeid   Historisk sosiologi   Kritiske kunnskapsstudier   Funksjonshemmede   Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering   Selvhjelpsarbeid   Folkehelsearbeid




Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Zink, Silje; Kjeken, Ingvild ; Feiring, Marte (2024). Who Does What in Hand Osteoarthritis Care? A Qualitative Study of Boundary Work between Rheumatologists and Occupational Therapists in Norway. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare.

Magnussen, Hege Johanne; Kjeken, Ingvild ; Pinxsterhuis, Irma ; Sjøvold, Trine Amalie; Feiring, Marte (2024). Dialogued into being: Constructing knowledge about hand osteoarthritis from a polyphony of voices in healthcare encounters. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. Vol. 19.

Zink, Silje; Kjeken, Ingvild ; Feiring, Marte (2024). Who Does What in Hand Osteoarthritis Care? A Qualitative Study of Boundary Work Between Rheumatologists and Occupational Therapists in Norway. 14 s. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. Vol. 17.

Magnussen, Hege Johanne; Kjeken, Ingvild ; Pinxsterhuis, Irma ; Sjøvold, Trine Amalie; Feiring, Marte (2023). Negotiating Professional Tasks in a Hospital: A Qualitative Study of Rheumatologists and Occupational Therapists in the Management of Hand Osteoarthritis. 17 s. Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare. Vol. 16.

Magnussen, Hege Johanne; Kjeken, Ingvild ; Pinxsterhuis, Irma ; Sjøvold, Trine Amalie; Hennig, Toril; Thorsen, Eva Anette Gryttingslien; Feiring, Marte (2023). Participation in healthcare consultations: A qualitative study from the perspectives of persons diagnosed with hand osteoarthritis. 10 s. Health Expectations. Vol. 26.

Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm; Feiring, Marte ; Charnock, Colin ; Krogstad, Tonje ; Holm, Lene Berge (2023). Positioning of community pharmacists in interactions with general practitioners and patients regarding prescribing and using antibiotics. Journal of Interprofessional Care. Vol. 37.

Rochette, Yngvild Bergsholm; Feiring, Marte ; Charnock, Colin ; Holm, Lene Berge ; Krogstad, Tonje (2023). Exploring patients' adherence to antibiotics by understanding their health knowledge and relational communication in encounters with pharmacists and physicians. Exploratory Research in Clinical and Social Pharmacy (ERCSP). Vol. 12.

Feiring, Marte ; Førland, Oddvar; Aspinal, Fiona; Rostgaard, Tine (2023). The ideas of reablement and their travel across time and space. Rostgaard, Tine; Parsons, John; Tuntland, Hanne Kristin (Red.). Reablement in Long-term Care for Older People. International Perspectives and Future Directions. s. 46-67. Policy Press.

Kvambekk, Ann Kristin; Feiring, Marte ; Askim, Torunn; Langhammer, Birgitta (2022). En studie av fysioterapeuters erfaringer som treningskoordinatorer i et forskningsprosjekt. Fysioterapeuten.

Sagstad, Kjersti; Howe, Emilie; Fure, Silje Christine Reistad; Løvstad, Marianne; Enehaug, Heidi ; Ugelstad, Helene; Feiring, Marte ; Andelic, Nada; Sveen, Unni (2022). Transition back to work after mild TBI: a qualitative study. Scandinavian Journal of Occupational Therapy.

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