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Anita Ellen Tobiassen

Anita Ellen Tobiassen

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Elvekrok, Ingunn ; Tobiassen, Anita Ellen (2023). Who am I as an entrepreneur? Exploring Formation of Entrepreneurial Identity. 9 s. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE.

Tobiassen, Anita Ellen ; Pettersen, Inger Beate (2022). Understanding networking dynamics in born global firms’ internationalization: balancing the mix of physical and virtual networking in B2B markets. 13 s. The journal of business & industrial marketing. Vol. 38.

Tobiassen, Anita Ellen ; Elvekrok, Ingunn ; Skreosen, Line Bøe (2022). The Role of Accelerators in Shaping Entrepreneurial Identity. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE. Vol. 17.

Døving, Erik ; Tobiassen, Anita Ellen (2020). Realkompetansevurdering i norske kommuner. Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training. Vol. 10.

Elvekrok, Ingunn ; Tobiassen, Anita Ellen (2020). Using a Magnifying Glass to Examine Network Formation among Artisan Entrepreneurs. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE.

Tobiassen, Anita Ellen ; Elvekrok, Ingunn ; Jahnsen, Erlend Listøl; Løtvedt, Alexander Sæbø (2018). The value of accelerator programmes in the internationalization of Norwegian international new ventures. Proceedings of the European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship, ECIE. Vol. 2018-September.

Tobiassen, Anita Ellen ; Pettersen, Inger Beate (2018). Exploring open innovation collaboration between SMEs and larger customers: The case of high-technology firms. 83 s. Baltic Journal of Management. Vol. 13.

Pettersen, Inger Beate; Aarstad, Jarle; Høvig, Øystein Stavø; Tobiassen, Anita Ellen (2016). Business incubation and the network resources of start-ups. Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship. Vol. 5.

Tobiassen, Anita Ellen ; Døving, Erik (2014). Kompetansevurdering og kompetanseheving i pleie- og omsorgssektoren :. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 17.

Loussaïef, Leïla; Cacho-Elizondo, Silvia; Pettersen, Inger Beate; Tobiassen, Anita Ellen (2014). Do CSR actions in retailing really matter for young consumers? A study in France and Norway. 9 s. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services. Vol. 21.

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