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Kalliu Carvalho Couto

Kalliu Carvalho Couto


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Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

de Oliveira, Marlon A.; Carvalho Couto, Kalliu ; Sandaker, Ingunn ; de Rose, Julio C. (2023). Avoiding the Tragedy of the Commons: Shaping Children’s Sustainable Behavior in a Digital Game. 11 s. The Psychological Record. Vol. 73.

Couto, Kalliu Carvalho ; Bahari, Mohsen; Stokken, Anne-Lise; Carvalho, Lucas Couto De; Sandaker, Ingunn (2023). Experimental Analysis of Macrocontingenciesand Metacontingencies Between Group Competition. Behavior and Social Issues (BSI). Vol. 32.

Ludmila, Zatorre Dantas; Connor de Méo Luiz, André; Eduardo Costa, Carlos; Carvalho Couto, Kalliu (2022). BEHAVIORAL RESISTANCE AS FUNCTION OF DIFFERENT LEVELS OF INSTRUCTION COMPLETENESS. 80 s. Revista Mexicana de Analisis de la Conducta. Vol. 48.

Sigurjonsdottir, Sigridur ; Elnes, Aud Kielland; Carvalho Couto, Kalliu (2022). Turn off your engine: Reducing idling amongst professional truck drivers. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives (TRIP). Vol. 15.

Bento, Fabio ; Carvalho Couto, Kalliu (2021). A Behavioral Perspective on Community Resilience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case of Paraisópolis in São Paulo, Brazil. 18 s. Sustainability. Vol. 13.

Strømgren, Børge ; Carvalho Couto, Kalliu (2021). Psychometric Properties of a Norwegian Version of the Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scales–Child–Short Form. Assessment for Effective Intervention (AEI).

Jordão Suarez, Carla; Frota Benvenuti, Marcelo; Couto, Kalliu Carvalho ; Oliveira Siqueira, José; Abreu-Rodrigues, Josele; M. Lionello-DeNolf, Karen; Sandaker, Ingunn (2021). Reciprocity With Unequal Payoffs: Cooperative and Uncooperative Interactions Affect Disadvantageous Inequity Aversion. Frontiers in Psychology.

Nergaard, Siv Kristin ; Carvalho Couto, Kalliu (2021). Effects of Reinforcement and Response-Cost History on Instructional Control. Journal of The Experimental Analysis of Behavior. Vol. 115.

Carvalho Couto, Kalliu ; Moura Lorenzo, Flora; Tagliabue, Marco ; Borges Henriques, Marcelo; Freitas Lemos, Roberta (2020). Underlying Principles of a Covid-19 Behavioral Vaccine for a Sustainable Cultural Change. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH). Vol. 17.

De Carvalho, Lucas Couto; Santos, Letícia dos; Alceu, Regaço; Couto, Kalliu ; de Souza, Deisy das Graças; Todorov, João Claudio (2020). Cooperative responding in rats: II. Performance on fixed‐ratio schedules of mutual reinforcement. Journal of The Experimental Analysis of Behavior.

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