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Malin Lindroth

Malin Lindroth

Kort om

Jeg er utdannet sykepleier, og har master i helsesykepleie, doktorgrad i det tverrvitenskapelige faget helse og samfunn og jeg er docent/associate professor i helse og samfunn med orientering sexologi og seksualitetsstudier.  

Vid OsloMet er jeg førsteamanuensis med orientering helsefremmende arbeid, og arbeider med ulike masterutdannings-emner i seksuell helse. Er involvert i flere forskningsprosjekt (se: https://mau.se/personer/malin.lindroth/) :

I tillegg deltar jeg i utvikling av to nye masteremner: Seksuell helse, psykisk helse og rusmiddel og Universitet- og høgskolepedagogikk i seksuell helse.



Psykososialt arbeid   Helsevitenskap   Seksuell helse   Ungdoms seksuelle og reproduktive helse   Barnevernsforskning   Helsesykepleie   Sosialt arbeid

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Andersson, Catrine; Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Amroussia, Nada; Lindroth, Malin (2024). Using twelve-step treatment for sex addiction and compulsive sexual behaviour (disorder): A systematic review. Sexual Health & Compulsivity. https://doi.org/10.1080/26929953.2024.2339208

Arvidsson, Anna; Grander, Anette; Lindroth, Malin (2024). School health-care team members’ reflections of their promotion of sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR): Important but neglected. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. Vol. 39.

Schindele, AnnaChuChu; Kællberg, Henrik; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina ; Lindroth, Malin (2023). Perceived knowledge gained from school-based sexuality education – results from a national population-based survey among young people in Sweden. 10 s. Sexual Health. Vol. 20.

Julia, Bahner; Lindroth, Malin (2023). Researchers With Benefits? Methodological and Ethical Challenges and Possibilities in Sexuality Research Within Marginalised Populations. International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM). Vol. 22.

Carlstrøm, Charlotta; Andersson, Catrine; Lindroth, Malin (2023). LGBTQ+ Affirmative State Care for Young People in Sweden: New Knowledge and Old Traditions. 16 s. The British Journal of Social Work. Vol. 53.

Hammarstrøm, Sofia; Bernhardsson, Susanne; Nielsen, Per; Elisson, Jenny; Frostholm, Ellinor; Lindroth, Malin (2022). Ask me, listen to me, treat me well and I shall tell: a qualitative study of Swedish youths’ experiences of systematic assessment of sexual health and risk-taking (SEXIT). Sexual and Reproductive Health Matters (SRHM).

Larsdotter, Suzann; Lemon, Jonas; Lindroth, Malin (2022). Educator and staff perspectives on a rights based sex education for young men in jail and prison in Sweden. Sex Education : Sexuality, Society and Learning.

Bjørklund, Frida; Lindroth, Malin (2022). ‘It´s easier to think outside the box when you are already outside the box’ – A study on transgender and non-binary people´s sexual well-being. Sexualities.

Schindele, AnnaChuChu; Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina; Lindroth, Malin (2022). Vulnerability analysis in sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) – indications of intersecting vulnerable positions in a national survey among young people in Sweden. Sexuality Research & Social Policy.

Areskoug Josefsson, Kristina ; Lindroth, Malin (2022). . Exploring the role of Sexual Attitude Reassessment and restructuring (SAR) in current sexology education: How,why and for whom?. Sex Education : Sexuality, Society and Learning.

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