Are Vegard Haug is a political scientist (PhD) and former Research Director at NOVA and Associate Professor at Department of Law and Governance, BI. He was previously head of the Department of Political Science and management at the University of Agder. His research interests are local government and regional development, welfare states, political economy, innovation, organization and management, democracy and law. Recent research projects include organizational models and management in Public Sector, governance, welfare models, media, culture, Nordic regional development, organization and management of ICT-inspired innovations, privacy and security. Haug also has extensive teaching and lecturing experience.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Political science and organisational theory
Subject areas
Democracy Political Economy Multicultural societies Local administration and policy Minicipality Information and communication technology Nordic welfare states
Administrative field of work
Project management Staffing Management development Equal opportunity Employee participation Reorganisation Organisational development Staff policy Recruitment Welfare
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Crisis Management in a Polycentric Nordic Local Democracy: Different Governance Structures – Different Results? (POLYGOV)
The overall goal of the project is to identify the differences in the Nordic countries’ handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and the outcomes thereof and to relate these differences to policy, governance, organisation and management.
Evaluation of the The Grant Scheme for Humanitarian Measures to Arriving EEA Citizens who Subsist as Beggars
NOVA was commissioned by the Ministry of Justice and Public Security to evaluate activities and measures for arriving EEA citizens who subsist as beggars.
Humanitarian Report 2019: Between the Welfare State and Voluntary Work
This project aims to give a comprehensive picture of what services are available for certain vulnerable groups in Norway.
Under Pressure? Migration and Labor Market Integration in Norway (UPMIN)
The overarching research question in the UPMIN project is: What institutional and contextual factors enhance immigrants’ and refugees’ employment participation?
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Haug, Are Vegard (2024). Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19 : Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. ISBN: 978 1 03533 652 4. 272 p. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Haug, Are Vegard
Collaborative Management in Norwegian Municipalities: Do Middle Managers Make a Difference?.
25 p.
Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (SPJA).
Vol. 26.
Baldersheim, Harald; Øgård, Morten; Haug, Are Vegard ; Hye, Linda (2021). Den kommunale mellomlederen - selvstendig lagspiller. ISBN: 9788245035612. 249 p. Fagbokforlaget.
Haug, Are Vegard
Innovation and network leadership: The bureaucracy strikes back?.
Information Polity.
Vol. 23.
Haug, Are Vegard ; Salte, Hilde (2016). Medias dekning av tilreisende romfolk i Norge: En kamp om sannhet?. Alm, Kristian; Brown, Richard Mark; Røyseng, Sigrid (Ed.). Kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet i organisasjoner. p. 329-360. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Haug, Are Vegard ; Jenssen, Julie Bodd (2016). Kommune-Norge AS: Skilsmissen, oppgjøret og nye ekteskap. Anderssen, Harald B; Bråthen, Tore (Ed.). Moderne Forretningsjus III. p. 229-242. Fagbokforlaget.
Haug, Are Vegard (2014). Innovasjonsteori og framveksten av digital forvaltning – hvorfor noen kommuner går foran og andre kommer etter. Baldersheim, Harald; Rose, Lawrence E (Ed.). Det kommunale laboratorium: Teoretiske perspektiver på lokal politikk og organisering, 3. utgave. p. 153-175. Fagbokforlaget.
Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard ; Øgård, Morten (2011). Conclusions:The policy nexus in network governance. Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard; Øgård, Morten (Ed.). The rise of the networking region. The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world. p. 165-170. Ashgate.
Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard ; Øgård, Morten (2011). The rise of the networking region. The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world. ISBN: 9781409425830. 192 p. Ashgate.
Haug, Are Vegard (2011). Informatization of Political Roles and Communication Patterns: Regional Advantages through Information and Communication Technologies?. Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard; Øgård, Morten (Ed.). The rise of the networking region. The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world. p. 77-94. Ashgate.