Norwegian version
Are Vegard Haug

Are Vegard Haug


Are Vegard Haug is a political scientist (PhD) and former Research Director at NOVA and Associate Professor at Department of Law and Governance, BI. He was previously head of the Department of Political Science and management at the University of Agder. His research interests are local government and regional development, welfare states, political economy, innovation, organization and management, democracy and law. Recent research projects include organizational models and management in Public Sector, governance, welfare models, media, culture, Nordic regional development, organization and management of ICT-inspired innovations, privacy and security. Haug also has extensive teaching and lecturing experience.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Public and private administration   Social work   Political science and organisational theory

Subject areas

Democracy   Political Economy   Multicultural societies   Local administration and policy   Minicipality   Information and communication technology   Nordic welfare states

Research projects

Scientific publications

Haug, Are Vegard (2022). Collaborative Management in Norwegian Municipalities: Do Middle Managers Make a Difference?. 25 p. Scandinavian Journal of Public Administration (SPJA). Vol. 26.

Baldersheim, Harald; Øgård, Morten; Haug, Are Vegard ; Hye, Linda (2021). Den kommunale mellomlederen - selvstendig lagspiller. ISBN: 9788245035612. 249 p. Fagbokforlaget.

Haug, Are Vegard (2018). Innovation and network leadership: The bureaucracy strikes back?. Information Polity. Vol. 23.

Haug, Are Vegard ; Jenssen, Julie Bodd (2016). Kommune-Norge AS: Skilsmissen, oppgjøret og nye ekteskap. Anderssen, Harald B; Bråthen, Tore (Ed.). Moderne Forretningsjus III. p. 229-242. Fagbokforlaget.

Haug, Are Vegard ; Salte, Hilde (2016). Medias dekning av tilreisende romfolk i Norge: En kamp om sannhet?. Alm, Kristian; Brown, Richard Mark; Røyseng, Sigrid (Ed.). Kommunikasjon og ytringsfrihet i organisasjoner. p. 329-360. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Haug, Are Vegard (2014). Innovasjonsteori og framveksten av digital forvaltning – hvorfor noen kommuner går foran og andre kommer etter. Baldersheim, Harald; Rose, Lawrence E (Ed.). Det kommunale laboratorium: Teoretiske perspektiver på lokal politikk og organisering, 3. utgave. p. 153-175. Fagbokforlaget.

Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard ; Øgård, Morten (2011). Conclusions:The policy nexus in network governance. Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard; Øgård, Morten (Ed.). The rise of the networking region. The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world. p. 165-170. Ashgate.

Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard ; Øgård, Morten (2011). The rise of the networking region. The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world. ISBN: 9781409425830. 192 p. Ashgate.

Haug, Are Vegard (2011). Informatization of Political Roles and Communication Patterns: Regional Advantages through Information and Communication Technologies?. Baldersheim, Harald; Haug, Are Vegard; Øgård, Morten (Ed.). The rise of the networking region. The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world. p. 77-94. Ashgate.

Haug, Are Vegard (2009). Competitive advantages through ICT: Transformations of political roles and communication patterns. The rise of the networking region: The challenges of regional collaboration in a globalized world. p. 35- Nordisk ministerråd.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete