Research groups
Research projects
Research about the Norwegian national school leadership education
Norwegian universities and colleges have since 2009 offered national school leadership programs on behalf of the Norwegian Directorate of Education.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Andersen, Fred Carlo
; Vedøy, Gunn; Dehlin, Erlend
Leadership in uncertainty: Improvisation and positioning in municipal adult education.
20 p.
Journal of Adult and Continuing Education.
Andersen, Fred Carlo (2023). Transformative Leadership for Inclusion and Special Needs Education for Immigrant Students. Hanssen, Natallia Bahdanovich; Harju-Luukkainen, Heidi Katarina; Sundqvist, Christel (Ed.). Inclusion and special needs education for immigrant students in the Nordic countries. p. 87-102. Routledge.
Aas, Marit ; Andersen, Fred Carlo ; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug ; Dehlin, Erlend (2022). Ledelse av skoleutvikling - en kunnskapsoversikt. Aas, Marit; Paulsen, Jan Merok (Ed.). Ledelse i fremtidens skole 2. utgave. p. 73-91. Fagbokforlaget.
Andersen, Fred Carlo (2021). Ledelse av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i to ulike skolekontekster - Bosnia-Hercegovina og Norge. Aas, Marit; Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug (Ed.). Ledelse av profesjonelle læringsfellesskap i skolen. p. 95-118. Fagbokforlaget.
Aas, Marit
Andersen, Fred Carlo
Vennebo, Kirsten Foshaug
How school leaders can gain role clarity and grow their leadership identity.
Research in Educational Administration and Leadership.
Andersen, Fred Carlo (2018). School Leadership in a European multicultural context. A dream from Disneyland?. Palaiologou, Nektaria; Zembylas, Michalinos (Ed.). Human Rights and Citizenship Education. An Intercultural Perspective. p. 258-279. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Andersen, Fred Carlo
Rektorutdanningens potensial i en flerkulturell kontekst :.
21 p.
Acta Didactica Norge.
Vol. 10.
Andersen, Fred Carlo (2013). Leadership in a linguistically and ethnically diverse upper secondary school : responding to challenges. 19 p. Nordic Studies in Education. Vol. 33.
Andersen, Fred Carlo
School leadership and multilingualism.
18 p.
Acta Didactica Norge.
Vol. 6.
Andersen, Fred Carlo ; Ottesen, Eli (2011). Skoleledelse og språklig og etnisk mangfold. Møller, Jorunn; Ottesen, Eli (Ed.). Rektor som leder og sjef - om styring, ledelse og kunnskapsutvikling i skolen. p. 250-264. Universitetsforlaget.