Sociologist with a BA with honours from the University of Warwick and a master's degree from the University of Oslo. Main academic interests include sociology of education, political sociology, social inequality, class and mobility and quantitative methods. The PhD.-project examines compulsory school teachers' views and use of research in a changing educational policy context. The project is also part of RE-POSE: a large inter-disciplinary and international research project financed by The Research Council of Norway. My master's thesis looked at differences in attrition rates between demographic groups within the Norwegian teaching population between 2003-2013.
Additionally, I am also working on a research project that looks at how teacher education in Norway organise and work with bachelor- and master thesis, and Marte Lorentzen is the project leader. Thea B. Strømme and I are also organising and hosting Forum for Quantitative Methods.
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Renewed perspectives on research use in education (REPOSE)
This project aims to provide new analytical and methodological perspectives that will support researchers and practitioners in meeting the challenge of making productive use of research in education.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Caspersen, Joakim;
Holmeide, Hanna
«La læreren være lærer!» Lærerarbeid, forskning og kunnskap fra 2008 til 2022.
Mausethagen, Sølvi; Bøyum, Steinar; Caspersen, Joakim; Prøitz, Tine Sophie; Thue, Fredrik (Ed.).
En forskningsbasert skole? Forskningens plass i lærerutdanning og skole.