Norwegian version
Maiken Risan

Maiken Risan


I am an associate professor in pedagogy at the Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education (GFU), OsloMet. In my research, I am particularly interested in partnerships between schools and higher education-based teacher education, professional knowledge, and professional development. 

I have a P.hD (2022) from the Centre for the Study of Professions, exploring the knowledge work of hybrid teacher educators. 

Scientific publications

Risan, Maiken (2023). Å «bygge bro» mellom skole og lærerutdanning. Det epistemiske grensearbeidet til lærere i kombinasjonsstillinger. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). Vol. 17.

Risan, Maiken (2021). Negotiating professional expertise: Hybrid educators’ boundary work in the context of higher education-based teacher education. Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies. Vol. 109.

Risan, Maiken (2020). Creating theory-practice linkages in teacher education: Tracing the use of practice-based artefacts. International Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 104.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete