Norwegian version
Ida Marie Bregård

Ida Marie Bregård

Scientific publications

Sagbakken, Mette ; Bregård, Ida Marie ; Varvin, Sverre (2022). “Imagine, 7 Years Without a Future”: A Qualitative Study of Rejected Asylum Seekers' Life Conditions in Norway. Frontiers in Sociology. Vol. 7.

Princeton, Daisy M ; Bregård, Ida Marie ; Annion, Marianne; Shooghi, Gine; Rom, Gitte; Örlygsdóttir, Brynja; Sigurðardóttir, Hildur; Kuismin, Riitta; Korhonen, Joonas; Kisa, Sezer (2021). Mental Health Challenges of Young Labor Migrants from the Healthcare Professionals Perspective: Lessons Learned from a Multi‐Country Meeting. 5 p. Sustainability. Vol. 13.

Sagbakken, Mette ; Bregård, Ida Marie ; Varvin, Sverre (2020). The past, the present and the future: a qualitative study exploring how refugees’ experience of time influences their mental health and well-being. Frontiers in Sociology.

Bregård, Ida Marie ; Tschudi-Madsen, Christine (2018). Fag eller erfaring? Sykepleieres narrative fra helsetjenester til asylsøkere. Debesay, Jonas; Tschudi-Madsen, Christine (Ed.). Migrasjon, helse og profesjon. p. 156-172. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete