Norwegian version
Thomas Eri

Thomas Eri


I teach and supervise in pedagogical subjects at the bachelor, master, and PhD levels, with a particular interest in teacher professionalism, aesthetic and exploratory learning processes, and fundamental philosophical questions in education. My research interest is mainly related to Educational Action Research in schools and Self-study in teacher education, using Cultural-Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) as a theoretical and analytical perspective. Before I began working at Oslomet in 2009, I worked as a primary school teacher in Oslo. Over the years, I have led and contributed to several small and large national and international research and development projects in the education sector.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Education   Music education   Other subjects within education

Subject areas

Action research   Multicultural education   Collaboration across the curriculum   Cultural psychology   Critical pedagogy   Sociocultural theory   Interaction analysis   Instruction. Classroom Management   Cultural-historical activity theory

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Brøske, Brit Ågot; Eri, Thomas (2025). Contradictions and change: The dynamics of international collaboration in music education between India and Norway. Research Studies in Music Education.

Eri, Thomas ; Lundh, Lise; Myrvold, Charlotte Blanche (2024). Lærerutdanningen som danningsprosess i møte med Den kulturelle skolesekken. Rinholm, Hanne; Varkøy, Øivind; Fredriksen, Bendik; Bjerke, Mildrid (Ed.). Kritisk danning i lærerutdanningen. p. 127-148. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Eri, Thomas ; Aas, Marit (2020). Aktivitetsteori som tenkeredskap i aksjonsforskning. Gjøtterud, Sigrid; Hiim, Hilde; Husebø, Dag; Jensen, Liv Helene (Ed.). Aksjonsforskning i Norge : Grunnlagstenkning forskerroller og bidrag til endring i ulike kontekster : volum 2. p. 133-161. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Michelet, Simon; Eri, Thomas (2019). Kvalifisering for læreres yrkespraksis. Casebasert dialogseminar som strategi for å løfte grunnskolens klasserom inn i teoriundervisningen. Thorsen, Kirsten Elisabeth; Michelet, Simon (Ed.). Teoretiske og praktiske kunnskaper i lærerkvalifisering - sammenhenger og spenninger. p. 241-267. Universitetsforlaget.

Eri, Thomas ; Michelet, Simon (2018). Mangfold og spenninger i lærerens praksis. Thorsen, Kirsten Elisabeth; Christensen, Hanne (Ed.). Jeg er lærer. p. 175-190. Fagbokforlaget.

Eri, Thomas ; Pihl, Joron (2017). The challenge of sustaining change: contradictions within the development of teacher and librarian collaboration. 17 p. Educational Action Research. Vol. 25.

Eri, Thomas (2017). A multilingual book café at the school library: Contradictions between literacy discourses. Pihl, Joron; Kooij, Kristin Skinstad van der; Carlsten, Tone Cecilie (Ed.). Teacher and Librarian Partnerships in Literacy Education in the 21st Century. p. 103-119. Brill | Sense.

Michelet, Simon; Eri, Thomas (2016). Casebasert dialogseminar - Studentkultur, læring og danning i grunnskolelærerutdanninga. Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift. Vol. 3.

Eri, Thomas (2014). Samarbeid mellom lærere og bibliotekarer. Borg, Elin; Drange, Ida; Fossestøl, Knut; Jarning, Harald (Ed.). Et lag rundt læreren. En kunnskapsoversikt. p. 133-135. Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet.

Eri, Thomas (2012). The best way to conduct intervention research: methodological considerations. Quality & Quantity: International Journal of Methodology. Vol. 47.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete