Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Education Painting, drawing, graphics General education Philosophy History of ideas Art history History Political science and organisational theory Subject didactics Humanities
Research groups
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Æsøy, Knut Ove
Kritikk av kritisk danning.
Rinholm, Hanne; Varkøy, Øivind; Fredriksen, Bendik; Bjerke, Mildrid (Ed.).
Kritisk danning i lærerutdanningen. p. 27-45.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Æsøy, Knut Ove (2023). The Philosophical Facilitation of a Professional Practitioner's Worldview. Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju. Vol. 54.
Æsøy, Knut Ove
Om læraren sitt pedagogisk-filosofiske P3-nivå.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 107.
Æsøy, Knut Ove ; Namdar, Kamran (2021). The pandemic - A spotlight on the potentiality of and obstacles to human becoming. Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi.
Æsøy, Knut Ove
; Dybvikstrand, Trine Sofie
The use of paintings and sketches as scientific knowledge.
Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology.
Vol. 21.
Helleve, Mette Birgitte
Æsøy, Knut Ove
When anxiety matters as a condition of possibility: About student-teachers’ anxiety experiences towards becoming a teacher.
11 p.
Encyclopaideia. Journal of phenomenology and education.
Vol. 25.
Æsøy, Knut Ove
Inner Trust: The Root of Teachers’ Self-Leadership.
13 p.
Vodenje v vzgoji in izobraževanju.
Vol. 18.
Fjeld, Hilde Sofie; Æsøy, Knut Ove ; Dybvikstrand, Trine Sofie (2020). Lærerpraksis og pedagogisk teori. ISBN: 9788215029740. 256 p. Universitetsforlaget.
Æsøy, Knut Ove
Om læraren sin levande kunnskap.
15 p.
Studier i Pædagogisk Filosofi.
Sørmo, Dag; Æsøy, Knut Ove (2018). What about Tigger and Piglet in school today? - A metaphor about children with challenging behaviour. Dorczak, Roman (Ed.). Leading and Managing for Development. p. 116-123. Jagiellonian University Institute of Public Affairs.