Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Aesthetical experience Musical experience "Musical classroom management" Ontological Turn in Music Education Dialogical practice
Research projects
Teacher Qualification for the 21st century - teachers professional competence (TEQ21)
Future school and society are characterized by rapid changes and technological development, which in turn demand new competences such as creativity, communication, collaboration and critical thinking. In order to meet these challenges, teacher education programmes need to educate professional teachers who can educate pupils for the future.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Varkøy, Øivind;
Rinholm, Hanne
Die Kritik des Ästhetischen. Einige von Jürgen Vogt inspirierte Gedanken. I Lukas Bugiel & Christian Rolle (red.), Kritik der Musikpädagogik: Festschrift für Jürgen Vogt.
24 p.
Universität zu Köln.
Rinholm, Hanne
Solem, Ida Heiberg
Ulleberg, Inger
Dialogues in education: Exploring cases from music and mathematics education.
24 p.
Dialogic Pedagogy: An International Online Journal.
Vol. 11.
Rinholm, Hanne
Fredriksen, Bendik
; Onsrud, Silje Valde
Critical Reflection in Music Teacher Education: Contradictions and Dilemmas in Theory, Policy, and Practice.
Action, Criticism, and Theory for Music Education (ACT).
Vol. 22.
Fredriksen, Bendik
; Onsrud, Silje Valde;
Rinholm, Hanne
; Lewis, Judy
Who takes part in participation? Challenges to empowering student voice in music teacher education.
Music Education Research.
Vol. 25.
Rinholm, Hanne ; Gillespie, Astrid (2023). Mangfoldsorientering i skolen. Thorsen, Kirsten; Christensen, Hanne; Dalland, Cecilie Pedersen (Ed.). Jeg er lærer. Reflektert, analytisk, kompetent. p. 75-98. Fagbokforlaget.
Rinholm, Hanne (2023). Håp, musikk og eksistens. Varkøy, Øivind; Lindekleiv, Heidi Marie; Kristiansen, Ståle Johannes Clemens (Ed.). SEGL: Katolsk årsskrift for religion og samfunn. p. 211-219. St. Olav forlag.
Onsrud, Silje Valde;
Fredriksen, Bendik
Rinholm, Hanne
; Lindgren, Monica
The multiplicity of preservice music teachers’ positioning in a participatory action research project.
Research Studies in Music Education.
Rinholm, Hanne
Musikalske mirakler: Transcendens i estetiske og religiøse erfaringer.
Holm, Henrik; Varkøy, Øivind (Ed.).
Music and Religion: Texts on Music in Religion and Religion in Music. p. 51-71.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Rinholm, Hanne ; Varkøy, Øivind (2021). Et forsvar for kunstverket – re-romantisering av musikkpedagogisk tenkning. Karlsen, Sidsel; Nielsen, Siw Graabræk (Ed.). Verden inn i musikkutdanningene: Utfordringer, ansvar og muligheter. Norges musikkhøgskole.
Rinholm, Hanne
Musikalsk-estetisk erfaring som tilsynekomsthendelse.
Varkøy, Øivind; Holm, Henrik (Ed.).
Musikkfilosofiske tekster. Tanker om musikk – og språk, tolkning, erfaring, tid, klang, stillhet m.m. . p. 41-60.
Cappelen Damm Akademisk.