Erik Ryen is a poltical scientist and Professor of Social Studies at Oslo Metropolitan University. His interests include curriculum theory, Bildung centred Didaktik and educational policy analysis. Ryen is especially interested in how the relation between knowledge, education and democracy in understood within policy development at the national and international level. His publications feature in journals including the European Educational Research Journal (EERJ) and the Journal of Curriculum Studies (JCS).
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
Subject areas
Democracy Didactics Education policy Curriculum theory Didactics for the social sciences
Research projects
Completed research projects
Critical thinking in primary education
KriT is an interdisciplinary project aiming at developing educational models for critical thinking in primary education using children’s literature and news.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Ryen, Erik
Jegstad, Kirsti Marie
It is like a hammer and toothbrush; you need it for the rest of your life’ – Five Norwegian teachers’ experiences of working at a ‘thinking school.
Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE).
Vol. 6.
Ryen, Erik
Jøsok, Evy
Citizenship-as-knowledge: How perspectives from Bildung-centred Didaktik can contribute to European Citizenship Education beyond competence.
European Educational Research Journal.
Ryen, Erik (2021). Valg av fagstoff og progresjon som didaktiske utfordringer i samfunnsfag. Erdal, Silje Førland; Granlund, Lise (Ed.). Samfunnsfagdidaktikk. p. 44-66. Universitetsforlaget.
Bjørkvold, Tuva
Ryen, Erik
Exploring the perceived learning of ‘students as researchers’ through two theoretical lenses.
17 p.
Journal of Curriculum Studies.
Vol. 53.
Jegstad, Kirsti Marie
Ryen, Erik
Bærekraftig utvikling som tverrfaglig tema i grunnskolens naturfag og samfunnsfag – en læreplananalyse.
Norsk pedagogisk tidsskrift.
Vol. 104.
Ryen, Erik (2020). Klasseledelse og kritisk tenkning i samfunnsfag. Christensen, Hanne; Ulleberg, Inger (Ed.). Klasseledelse, fag og danning. 2.utgave. p. 242-259. Gyldendal Akademisk.
Ferrer, Marlen ; Jøsok, Evy ; Ryen, Erik ; Wetlesen, Annika ; Aas, Per Anders (2019). Hva er kritisk tenkning i samfunnsfag?. Ferrer, Marlen; Wetlesen, Annika (Ed.). Kritisk tenkning i samfunnsfag. p. 11-29. Universitetsforlaget.
Ryen, Erik
Klafki's critical constructive Didaktik and the epistemology of critical thinking.
Journal of Curriculum Studies.
Vol. 52.
Ryen, Erik (2019). Nyheter og kritisk tenkning i samfunnsfag. Ferrer, Marlen; Wetlesen, Annika (Ed.). Kritisk tenkning i samfunnsfag. p. 69-87. Universitetsforlaget.