Norwegian version
Kirsti Marie Jegstad

Kirsti Marie Jegstad


Kirsti Marie Jegstad is a professor at Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education at OsloMet. She teaches chemistry and science education and supervises student teachers at bachelor-, master’s- and PhD-levels. She is currently leading the research project KriT (Critical thinking in primary education) and is the co-leader of the research project TRELIS (Teachers’ Research Literacy for Science teaching). Her research interests include chemistry education, inquiry-based learning, critical thinking, education for sustainable development and research-based teacher education. Jegstad has a PhD in education for sustainable development and a master’s degree in organic chemistry, both from Norwegian University of Life Sciences. She has also been working as a teacher in upper secondary schools for several years.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Subject didactics   Chemistry

Research projects

Scientific publications

Reffhaug, Marthe Berg Andresen ; Andersson-Bakken, Emilia ; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2024). Supporting primary students’ critical thinking in whole-class conversations about sustainability issues. Environmental Education Research.

Strat, Tonje Tomine Seland; Henriksen, Ellen Karoline ; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2023). Inquiry-based science education in science teacher education: a systematic review. 58 p. Studies in science education.

Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2023). Inquiry-based chemistry education: a systematic review. Studies in science education.

Strat, Tonje Tomine Seland; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2022). Norwegian Teacher Educators’ Reflections on Inquiry-Based Teaching and Learning in Science Teacher Education. 22 p. Journal of Science Teacher Education.

Ryen, Erik ; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2022). It is like a hammer and toothbrush; you need it for the rest of your life’ – Five Norwegian teachers’ experiences of working at a ‘thinking school. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). Vol. 6.

Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria ; Mestad, Idar; Aksland, Charlotte ; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2022). Research assignments in teacher education - Norwegian undergraduate student teachers' experiences of the writing process. 21 p. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). Vol. 16.

Reffhaug, Marthe Berg Andresen ; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie ; Andersson-Bakken, Emilia (2022). Kritisk tenkning – fra intensjon til praksisfortolkning En analyse av barnetrinnslæreres forståelse av kritisk tenkning. 21 p. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). Vol. 16.

Aspfors, Jessica Marianne; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria ; Holand, Anna Marie; Fiskum, Tove Anita; Hansen, Sven-Erik; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2021). Scientifically Designed Teacher Education: Teacher Educators’ Perceptions in Norway and Finland. Nordic Journal of Comparative and International Education (NJCIE). Vol. 5.

Jegstad, Kirsti Marie ; Fiskum, Tove Anita; Aspfors, Jessica; Eklund, Gunilla (2021). Dichotomous and Multifaceted: Teacher Educators’ Understanding of Professional Knowledge in Research-based Teacher Education. 15 p. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research. Vol. 66.

Pajchel, Katarina ; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie ; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria ; Aalbergsjø, Siv Gundrosen ; Sollid, Per Øyvind (2021). The role of school placement within research-based teacher education–through the eyes of science mentors. Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete