Jarmila Bubikova-Moan is an Associate Professor at the Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education where she has teaching and supervising duties within the field of pedagogy. Her research interests include discourse-analytic approaches to early childhood education, multilingualism, argumentation and critical thinking.
She holds a PhD in Educational Sciences (University of Oslo), MA in Applied Linguistics (University of Melbourne, Australia) and an MPhil in European Literature (University of Cambridge, UK). Prior to joining OsloMet, she was an Associate Professor and a Head of Studies (BA in Pedagogy) at Kristiania University College and a Senior Researcher at the Nordic Institute for Studies in Innovation, Research and Education (NIFU). She also has a 10-year professional experience as an advisor within the field of education and integration policy in the Norwegian state administration.
Fields of study
Academic disciplines
General education Education Social sciences
Research groups
Research projects
Completed research projects
Critical thinking in primary education
KriT is an interdisciplinary project aiming at developing educational models for critical thinking in primary education using children’s literature and news.
Publications and research
Scientific publications
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Hægeland, Toril
Stimulating children's agency and positioning as subjects through aesthetic experiences in early years classrooms.
18 p.
Contemporary Issues in Early Childhood.
Kucirkova, Natalia;
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Parent–Child Mealtime Conversations Stimulated with Decorated Tableware.
10 p.
Early Childhood Education Journal.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Sandvik, Margareth
Argumentation in early childhood: A systematic review.
Human Development.
Vol. 66.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila ; Grøver, Vibeke (2021). Skolens samarbeid med foreldre til minoritetsspråklige barn i begynneropplæringen - refleksjoner over muligheter og utfordringer. Grøver, Vibeke; Bråten, Ivar (Ed.). Leseforståelse i skolen: Utfordringer og muligheter.. p. 46-58. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Credible as Evidence? Multilayered Audience Reception of Narrative Arguments.
Informal Logic.
Vol. 41.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Opheim, Vibeke
‘It’s a jigsaw puzzle and a challenge’: critical perspectives on the enactment of an RCT on small-group tuition in mathematics in Norwegian lower-elementary schools.
21 p.
Journal of Education Policy.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Unpacking the narrative-argumentative conundrum: story credibility revisited.
Proceedings of the Ontario Society for the Study of Argumentation Conference.
Vol. 12.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Hjetland, Hanne Næss
; Wollscheid, Sabine
ECE teachers' views on play-based learning: a systematic review.
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal.
Vol. 27.
Ferguson, Leila Eve;
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Argumentation as a pathway to critical thinking.
Garssen, Bart; Godden, David; Mitchell, Gordon R.; Wagemans, Jean H.M. (Ed.).
Proceedings of the Ninth Conference of the International Society for the Study of Argumentation.. p. 352-362.
International Society for the Study of Argumentation.
Bubikova-Moan, Jarmila
Ph.d. - afhandlinger 2017 - 2018. Norway - Discursive portraits of language, literacy and learning: emerging bilinguals in Norway.
Nordand : nordisk tidsskrift for andrespråksforskning.
Vol. 2.