Norwegian version
Charlotte Aksland

Charlotte Aksland


Charlotte Aksland is an associate professor at Department of Primary and Secondary Teacher Education at OsloMet – Oslo Metropolitan University. Her research interests include biology education, the natural environment as a learning arena, science education for the youngest students and on students’ understanding of science concepts.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Subject didactics

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Aksland, Charlotte ; Mestad, Idar; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie ; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (2024). Masteroppgaver innen forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag: Studenters og lærerutdanneres perspektiver. Henriksen, Ellen Karoline; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie; Pajchel, Katarina; Mestad, Idar; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria (Ed.). Fra forskningsfronten til klasserommet. Perspektiver på forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag. p. 32-52. Universitetsforlaget.

Jegstad, Kirsti Marie ; Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria ; Aksland, Charlotte ; Mestad, Idar (2024). Norwegian science teacher educators’ views of the master’s thesis and the supervision process. 14 p. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Aksland, Charlotte (2023). Småkryp - 2. klassingers tegninger i naturfag. 16 p. Nordic Studies in Science Education. Vol. 19.

Eklund, Gunilla Brita Maria ; Mestad, Idar; Aksland, Charlotte ; Jegstad, Kirsti Marie (2022). Research assignments in teacher education - Norwegian undergraduate student teachers' experiences of the writing process. 21 p. Acta Didactica Norden (ADNO). Vol. 16.

Aksland, Charlotte ; Rundgren, Shu-Nu Chang (2019). 5th–10th-Grade In-service Teachers’ Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) for Sustainable Development in Outdoor Environment. Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Learning.

Aksland, Charlotte ; Jensen, Inger Kristine ; Ramton, Aase Marit T. Sørum (2019). Teaching science concepts by using multiple representations in primary science education. Elm, Annika; Morberg, Åsa (Ed.). ATEE annual conference 2018 - A Future for All. Teaching for a sustainable society Proceedings. p. 41-52. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.

Aksland, Charlotte ; Jensen, Inger Kristine ; Ramton, Aase Marit T. Sørum (2018). Begrepslæring i naturfag på småskoletrinnet. Palm, Kirsten; Michaelsen, Eva (Ed.). Den viktige begynneropplæringen. En forskningsbasert tilnærming.. p. 269-289. Universitetsforlaget.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete