Norwegian version
Viggo Jan Vestel

Viggo Jan Vestel


Viggo Vestel is a researcher at NOVA, Section for Youth Research, and has his Ph.D. from the University of Oslo. He has for several years worked on a series of projects around multicultural youth milieus and growing up in block area suburbs in Oslo. His interests are wide, from cultural theory, semiotics, and creativity - both in everyday life,and more specifically within music and aesthetical genres - to subcultures, social class, emerging political consciousness, and political extremism.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social anthropology

Subject areas

Political mobilization   Youth   Youth culture   Minority youth   Extremism   Youth clubs

Research groups

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Vestel, Viggo Jan ; Rosten, Monika (2024). Seven critical events regarding Islam and Muslims in Norway - Three points of tension. La Revista de Estudios Internacionales Mediterráneos (REIM).

Vestel, Viggo Jan (2018). Youth, extremism and the liminoid. Right-wing antiislamist versus radical Islam in Norway. Øverland, Gwynyth; Andersen, Arnfinn J.; Førde, Kristin Engh; Grødum, Kjetil; Salomonsen, Joseph (Ed.). Violent Extremism in the 21st Century: International Perspectives . p. 15-44. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.

Jacobsen, Christine M.; Vestel, Viggo Jan (2018). 'Look into my eyes': music, religion, and the politics of Muslim youth in Norway. Journal of Muslims in Europe. Vol. 7.

Pedersen, Willy ; Vestel, Viggo Jan ; Bakken, Anders (2017). At risk for radicalization and jihadism? A population-based study of Norwegian adolescents. Cooperation and Conflict.

Vestel, Viggo Jan (2016). I gråsonen. Ungdom og politisk ekstremisme i det nye Norge. ISBN: 978.82.15.02576.6. 252 p. Universitetsforlaget.

Øia, Tormod; Vestel, Viggo Jan (2014). Generasjonskløfta som forsvant : et ungdomsbilde i endring. 35 p. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning.

Vestel, Viggo Jan (2014). De som er kasta ut av det normale : om selvskading og selvterapi i et emo/alternativt miljø i "Torsdal", Norge. 35 p. Tidsskrift for ungdomsforskning.

Gudmundsson, Gestur; Beach, Dennis; Vestel, Viggo Jan (2013). Youth and marginalization. Young people from immigrant families in Scandinavia. ISBN: 1872767680. 179 p. Tufnell Press.

Vestel, Viggo Jan ; Andersson, Mette; Jacobsen, Christine M.; Rogstad, Jon Christian (2012). Kritiske hendelser - Nye stemmer. Politisk engasjement og transnasjonal orientering i det nye Norge. ISBN: 978-82-15-01823-2. 271 p. Universitetsforlaget.

Vestel, Viggo Jan ; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (2012). Groruddalen, Alna og det nye Norge. Alghasi, Sharam; Eide, Elisabeth; Eriksen, Thomas Hylland (Ed.). Den globale drabantbyen. Groruddalen og det nye Norge. p. 15-32. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete