Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Schmid, Evi
Garrels, Veerle
Skåland, Børge
The continuum of rapport: Ethical tensions in qualitative interviews with vulnerable participants.
18 s.
Qualitative Research.
Garrels, Veerle
Skåland, Børge
Schmid, Evi
Blurring Boundaries: Balancing between Distance and Proximity in Qualitative Research Studies With Vulnerable Participants.
10 s.
International Journal of Qualitative Methods (IJQM).
Vol. 21.
Skåland, Børge ; Kleiveland, Jostein (2020). Skolens evne til å ivareta krenkede lærere. Psykologi i kommunen (PIK).
Skåland, Børge
Læreres behov for å bli ivaretatt når elever truer med og bruker vold.
Psykologi i kommunen (PIK).
Skåland, Børge (2016). Når elever krenker lærere. Grindheim, Liv Torunn; Krüger, Thorolf; Leirhaug, Petter Erik; Wilson, Dordy (Red.). Lærerprofesjonalitet i utdanningspraksiser. s. 159-176. Fagbokforlaget.
Skåland, Børge
Student-to-teacher violation and the threat to a teacher's self.
9 s.
Teaching and Teacher Education : An International Journal of Research and Studies.
Vol. 59.
Skåland, Børge (2015). Who have I become? Transition of teachers’ identities through student-to-teacher violations. Leite, Laurinda (Red.). ATEE annual conference 2014 - Transitions in teacher education and Professional identities. Proceedings. s. 385-394. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Skåland, Børge (2011). Violence Against Teachers. Teachers at Risk: Is Teaching in Ordinary Schools in Norway Risky?. Mésgáros, György; Falos, Iván (Red.). Responsibility, Challenge and Support in Teachers´ Life-long Professional Development : ATEE 2010 Annual Conference Proceedings. s. 449-463. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Sjøvoll, Jarle; Skåland, Børge (2003). Entrepenørskap som visjon for læring. 12 s. Didaktisk Tidskrift. Vol. 13.