Etablering av problemløysingsferdigheiter for å fremja kompleks menneskeleg åtferd – vokale medieringsstrategiar
Prosjektet skal undersøkja kva strategiar me bruker for å løysa ulike vanskeleg oppgåver – problemløysingsstrategiar.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Brogård-Antonsen, Anette ; Arntzen, Erik (2023). Use of Conditional-Discrimination Training in Remembering Relatives in a Man with Alzheimer’s Disease. 12 s. Revista Internacional de Psicologia y Terapia Psicológica. Vol. 23.
Pawar, Sanchit;
Fagerstrøm, Asle
; Sigurdsson, Valdimar;
Arntzen, Erik
Analyzing motivating functions of consumer behavior: Evidence from attention and neural responses to choices and consumption.
Frontiers in Psychology.
Vol. 14.
Regaço, Alceu; Zapparoli, Heloisa R.; Aggio, Natalia M.; Silveira, Marcelo Vitor;
Arntzen, Erik
Maintenance of Stimulus Equivalence Classes: A Bibliographic Review.
The Psychological Record.
Vol. 73.
Tovar, Ángel Eugenio; Torres-Chávez, Álvaro; Abolpour Mofrad, Asieh;
Arntzen, Erik
Computational models of stimulus equivalence: An intersection for the study of symbolic behavior.
Journal of The Experimental Analysis of Behavior.
Vol. 119.
Ljusic, Nikola;
Fagerstrøm, Asle
; Sigurdsson, Valdimar;
Arntzen, Erik
Information, ingestion, and impulsivity: The impact of technology-enabled healthy food labels on online grocery shopping in impulsive and non-impulsive consumers.
Frontiers in Nutrition.
Vol. 10.
Alonso-Vega, Jesús; Froxán-Parga, María Xesús;
Arntzen, Erik
Equivalence Class Formation in Adults with Severe Behavioral Problems.
12 s.
The Psychological Record.
Vol. 73.
Braaten, Live Fay
Arntzen, Erik
The effect of meaningful stimuli on eye movements in stimulus equivalence class formation.
European Journal of Behavior Analysis (EJOBA).
Steingrimsdottir, Hanna S
; Vilhjálmsdóttir, Elva Ósk;
Arntzen, Erik
Discrimination and equivalence class formation in adults using non-differential and differential consequences.
European Journal of Behavior Analysis (EJOBA).
Vol. 24.
Fields, Lanny;
Arntzen, Erik
Meaningful Stimuli and Equivalence Classes: The Intersection of Hedonics, Connotative, Denotative, and Discriminative Functions.
The Psychological Record.
Braaten, Live Fay
Arntzen, Erik
Peripheral vision in matching-to-sample procedures.
16 s.
Journal of The Experimental Analysis of Behavior.
Vol. 118.