English version
Hege Tapio

Hege Tapio


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Hellstrand, Ingvil; Koistinen, Aino-Kaisa; Simonhjell, Nora; Søraa, Roger Andre; Tapio, Hege (2024). “Emotion is Another Kind of Information” (Re)imagining Care Through Art Explorations. Art/Research International. Vol. 9.

Tapio, Hege ; Hellstrand, Ingvil (2023). Caring Futures?. AM Journal of Art and Media Studies. Vol. 32.

Tapio, Hege ; Van Dierendonck, Roland (2023). The Magic Circles of Soil. Berger, Erich; Keski-Korsu, Mari; Radomska, Marietta; Thastum, Line (Red.). State of the Art: Elements for Critical Thinking and Doing. s. 135-153. SOLU / Bioart Society.

Tapio, Hege ; Nichele, Stefano ; Bergaust, Kristin ; Christensen-Scheel, Boel (2022). Artists Encoding New Meanings through BioArt and Unconventional Computing. Adamatzky, Andrew (Red.). WSPC Book Series in Unconventional Computing: Volume 2 Unconventional Computing, Arts, Philosophy. s. 381-395. World Scientific.

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