English version
Simon Pahle

Simon Pahle


  • CENSU - Climate Change Energy Sustainability

    CENSU er et norsk-tanzaniansk-mosambikansk universitetssamarbeid innen utdanning og forskning som fokuserer på bærekraftig gassutvinning i kontekst av sårbare samfunn og klimaendringer.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Pahle, Simon (2020). Back to the Future? Charting Features of the Not-So-New Convergence in Aidland. Forum for Development Studies.

Pahle, Simon (2015). Stepchildren of Liberation: South African Farm Workers' Elusive Rights to Organise and Bargain Collectively. Journal of Southern African Studies. Vol. 41.

Pahle, Simon (2014). Bringing Workers’ Rights Back In? Propositions towards a Labour–Trade Linkage for the Global South. Development and Change. Vol. 46.

Pahle, Simon (2014). What difference does the International Labour Organisation make? Freedom of association norms, supervision and promotion vis-à-vis Brazil. Labor History. Vol. 55.

Pahle, Simon (2010). The rise and demise of the 'social clause' proposal in the 1990s: implications of a discourse theoretical reading. 22 s. Labor History. Vol. 51.

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