Norwegian version
Mirjam Lukasse

Mirjam Lukasse


Lukasse became a nurse in Sittard, the Netherlands and a midwife in Belfast, Northern-Ireland. She has worked as a midwife in Pakistan, the Netherlands, the UK and Norway. She completed her Master of Science in Midwifery at Surrey Universtiy, Guildfor (UK) in 1998. Lukasse came to Norway in 1998. She finished her PhD in Health Science at the Univerity of Tromsø in 2011. The theme for her thesis was Childhood abuse and pregnancy and childbirth. Lukasse continued with the theme of violence against women and pregnancy and childbirth as a post doctor (three years financed by the Norwegian Research Council). Lukasse has diverse interests and currently leads a project testing a mobile application for women with gestational diabetes using a randomised design in 5 hospitals. Other interests are use of water for pain relief and birth, other pain relief in labour, oxytocin in labour, continuity of midwifery care, emergency care and midwives' working conditions.

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Preventive medicine   Health sciences   Gynaecology and obstetrics   Community medicine, social medicine

Research groups

Research projects

Completed research projects

Scientific publications

Marsdal, Kjersti Engen ; Sørbye, Ingvil Krarup; Bernitz, Stine ; Adan, Nasreen; Grødal, Elin Baustad; Jacobsen, Anne Flem; Lukasse, Mirjam (2025). Clinical outcomes and feasibility of implementing outpatient labor induction with misoprostol: A prospective cohort study. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica.

Chalise, Pratibha; Infanti, Jennifer Jean; Pun, Kunta Devi; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Henriksen, Lena ; Lukasse, Mirjam (2025). Domestic violence and pregnancy intendedness: A cross-sectional study in Nepal. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. Vol. 43.

Midtsund, Astrid Durdei; Valla, Lisbeth ; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Henriksen, Lena (2024). Management of Suspicions of Child Maltreatment at Child and Family Clinics: A Mixed-Methods Study. 24 p. International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice. Vol. 7.

Manandhar, Pratibha; Chalise, Pratibha; Rishal, Poonam; Campbell, Jacquelyn C; Henriksen, Lena ; Infanti, Jennifer Jean; Joshi, Sunil Kumar; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Pun, Kunta Devi; Schei, Berit; Swahnberg, Katarina (2024). Developing and validating the Nepalese Abuse Assessment Screen (N-AAS) for identifying domestic violence among pregnant women in Nepal. PLOS ONE. Vol. 19.

Midtsund, Astrid Durdei; Henriksen, Lena ; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Valla, Lisbeth (2024). Detecting and preventing child maltreatment in primary care and PHNs’ role—a cross-sectional study. BMC Primary Care. Vol. 25.

Espejord, Silje; Auberg, Sonja Henriksen; Kvitno, Trine Kristoffersen; Furskog-Risa, Eva Christina; Lukasse, Mirjam (2024). Norwegian community midwives’ experience of interdisciplinary collaboration in care of pregnant women with vulnerabilities. 6 p. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. Vol. 39.

Aanstad, Kristin Jerve ; Marsdal, Kjersti Engen ; Blix, Ellen ; Kaasen, Anne ; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Sørbye, Ingvil Krarup; Svege, Ida (2024). Needs led research: ensuring relevant research in two PhD projects within maternity care. Research Involvement and Engagement. Vol. 10.

Marsdal, Kjersti Engen ; Sørbye, Ingvil Krarup; Bernitz, Stine ; Sve, Ranveig Elise Tulluan; Ask, Kristine; Lukasse, Mirjam (2024). Outpatient labor induction—Exploring future potential by assessing eligibility in a historical cohort. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica. Vol. 103.

Finnbogadóttir, Hafrún Rafnar; Henriksen, Lena ; Hegaard, Hanne Kristine; Halldórsdóttir, Sigridur; Paavilainen, Eija; Lukasse, Mirjam ; Broberg, Lotte (2024). The Consequences of A History of Violence on Women’s Pregnancy and Childbirth in the Nordic Countries: A Scoping Review. Trauma, Violence, & Abuse.

Oommen, Hanna; Sagedal, Linda Reme; Byrskog, Ulrika; Infanti, Jennifer Jean; Severinsen, Marit Stene; Lukasse, Mirjam (2024). Multicultural doula support and obstetric and neonatal outcomes: a multi-centre comparative study in Norway. 10 p. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. Vol. 24.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete