Grounded Theory Yrkesdidaktikk LEGO MIndstorms Atlas.ti John I. Goodlad Seymour Papert Kvalitative forskningsdesign Teknologiske læringsverktøy
Forskningsbasert lærerutdanning i naturfag (TRELIS)
I prosjektet TRELIS vil vi utdanne naturfaglærere som kan bruke forskningsresultater til å utvikle egen undervisning og skape gode læringsmiljøer i naturfag for elevene.
Nye verktøy og systemer for helhetlig dokumentasjon, analyse og læring i fag og yrkesopplæring (HELDAL)
Prosjektet retter søkelyset mot variasjon i læringsformer mellom fag og på ulike arenaer og vil etablere en ny metodisk plattform for bruk av digitale dokumentasjons- og læringssystemer.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Brevik, Birger
; Kaiser, Franz; Hoppe, Melanie
Challenges and helpful conditions for Vocational teachers in Europe: Findings from the VETteach project.
Tūtlys, Vidmantas (Red.).
Vocational Education and Training Transformations for Digital, Sustainable and Socially Fair Future. 5th International VET Conference Crossing Boundaries, May 25-26. s. 87-92.
European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training, VETNET, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland and Bern University of Teacher Education.
Isacsson, Annica;
Brevik, Birger
; Struck, Philipp; Pons, Andrea
The Limitations of European Comparative Studies in Vocational Education and Training Research and the Development of a Perspective to their Reduction.
Nagele, Christof; Stalder, Barbara E.; Weich, Miriam (Red.).
Pathways in Vocational Education and Training and Lifelong Learning.Proceedings of the 4th Crossing Boundaries Conference in Vocational Education and Training. s. 172-176.
European Research Network on Vocational Education and Training (VETNET).
Pavel, Nenad
; Medola, Fausto Orsl;
Berg, Arild
Brevik, Birger
Multistable Technologies and Pedagogy for Resilience: A Postphenomenological Case Study of Learning by 3D printing.
Design and Technology Education: An International Journal.
Vol. 25.
Brevik, Birger (2018). Lego Robot as Teaching Tools in Vocational Teacher Education in Uganda: Objects to Think With. Daniela, Linda (Red.). Innovations, Technologies and Research in Education. s. 172-185. Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Brevik, Birger ; Holtet, Jon Ingar (2015). Developing learning tasks in a technological learning workshop with LEGO mindstorms and additive manufacturing as the main pedagogical tools. Leite, Laurinda (Red.). ATEE annual conference 2014 - Transitions in teacher education and Professional identities. Proceedings. s. 235-244. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Brevik, Birger ; Lier, Arne Roar; Jan, Wabø (2015). The work context as a learning system: transferring experiences from work life to Technical and Vocational Teacher Education (TVTE). Leite, Laurinda (Red.). ATEE annual conference 2014 - Transitions in teacher education and Professional identities. Proceedings. s. 89-98. ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Brevik, Birger
; Lier, Arne Roar
Technical and Vocational Teacher Education Practice: Profession or Semi Profession?.
Agaoglu, Esmahan; Terzi, Cetin; Kavrayici, Ceyhun (Red.).
Teacher Education Policies and Professionalisation : Proceedings of the 37th Annual Conference of ATEE. s. 102-110.
ATEE - Association for Teacher Education in Europe.
Brevik, Birger
; Sjøberg, Svein; Tarrou, Anne-Lise Høstmark
Technology education through open ended teaching strategies associated with practical learning tools.
Technology education through open ended teaching strategies associated with practical learning tools. s. 436-441.
Palme publications.