Arnesen, Elisabeth
Grønning, Elisabeth
Aesthetically Apporaches as Soarce for Reflection based on experiences from internship in the field of social work. Puppet workshop and Digital storytelling workshop.
Workshop. Evangelische Hochscule Darmstadt University of Applied Scien.
Arnesen, Elisabeth
Workshop i digitale fortellinger.
Workshop i digitale fortellinger. Høgskolen på Vestlandet/ Campus Sogndal.
Fuglestad, Svein
Arnesen, Elisabeth
Bruk av kreative og innovative metoder i forebyggende arbeid med barn og unge.
Min rolle: Initiativtaker, ansvarlig for konferansen og konferansier.
Bruk av kreative og innovative metoder i forebyggende arbeid med barn og unge.. Institutt for sosialfag, OsloMet.
Arnesen, Elisabeth
How to increase self-understanding and awareness through the use of creative methodes and activities in mentorship?.
The Nightingale Conference 2022. The Nightingale network.
Arnesen, Elisabeth
Workshop i Digitale fortellinger.
Workshop i digitale fortellinger. Høgskolen på Vestlandet/ Campus Sogndal.
Arnesen, Elisabeth
Grønning, Elisabeth
Aesthetically Approaches as Source on Reflection.
Making masks and painting self-portraits to make reflection on your self and the other.
Workshop. Evangelische Hochscule Darmstadt University of Applied Scien.
Arnesen, Elisabeth
Helgeland, Ingeborg Marie
Kunstutstillingen "Forandringer".
Arnesen, Elisabeth
1. Our experiences in doing the workshop digital for a langre number of students under the pandemic, and our research on that. 2. How we have turned Digital storytelling to an assignment and examinattion form. 3. How we teach our second year students to facilitate workshops for vunerable youth in college.
RISE UP- 10 th Digitale Storytelling conference. Loughborough University.
Arnesen, Elisabeth
Workshop i Digitale fortellinger.
Workshop i digitale fortellinger. Høgskolen i Østfold.
Arnesen, Elisabeth
Bruk av digitale verktøy i refleksjon og ferdighetstrening.
Læringsnettverket for undervisere. OsloMet.