English version
Haroon Khan

Haroon Khan


Avsluttede forskningsprosjekter

  • Hjerneaktivitet ved gange og balanse

    Ferdighetene å gå, å stå på to bein og å balansere på et bein er unike for menneskearten. Hvordan aktiverer hjernen seg når vi går barbent eller balanserer på ett bein?

Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Khan, Haroon ; Khadka, Rabindra ; Sultan, Malik Shahid; Yazidi, Anis ; Ombao, Hernando; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2024). Unleashing the potential of fNIRS with machine learning: classification of fine anatomical movements to empower future brain-computer interface. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Vol. 18.

Khan, Haroon ; Khan, M.N Afzal; Tariq, Usman; Al-Nashash, Hasan; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2024). Unraveling the Motor Cortex for Individual Finger Tapping Movements: An fNIRS Study. 8 s. IEEE Sensors Journal. Vol. 24.

Akhter, Jamila; Naseer, Noman; Nazeer, Hammad; Khan, Haroon ; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2024). Enhancing Classification Accuracy with Integrated Contextual Gate Network: Deep Learning Approach for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain–Computer Interface Application. 20 s. Sensors. Vol. 24.

Khan, Haroon ; Naseer, Noman; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2024). A feasibility study investigating cortical hemodynamic changes during infinity walk with fNIRS. 7 s. IBRO Neuroscience Reports. Vol. 16.

Khan, Haroon ; Qureshi, Nauman Khalid; Yazidi, Anis ; Engell, Håvard; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2023). Single-leg stance on a challenging surface can enhance cortical activation in the right hemisphere – A case study. 9 s. Heliyon. Vol. 9.

Khan, Haroon ; Pinto-Orellana, Marco Antonio; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2023). Brain Connectivity Analysis in Distinct Footwear Conditions during Infinity Walk Using fNIRS. 13 s. Sensors. Vol. 23.

Abdullah, Ahmad; Kausar, Zareena; Hameed, Aamer; R. Shiekh, Shakil; Khan, Haroon (2021). Patient's intention detection and control for sit-stand mechanism of an assistive device for paraplegics. Biomedical Signal Processing and Control. Vol. 68.

Khan, Haroon ; Noori, Farzan Majeed; Yazidi, Anis ; Uddin, Md Zia; Khan, M.N Afzal; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2021). Classification of Individual Finger Movements from Right Hand Using fNIRS Signals. 14 s. Sensors. Vol. 21.

Khan, Haroon ; Naseer, Noman; Yazidi, Anis ; Eide, Per Kristian; Hassan, Wajahat; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2021). Analysis of Human Gait Using Hybrid EEG-fNIRS-Based BCI System: A Review. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience. Vol. 14.

Hassan, Hafiz Wajahat; Mathew, Anna ; Khan, Haroon ; Korostynska, Olga ; Mirtaheri, Peyman (2021). Feasibility Study of Multi-Wavelength Optical Probe to Analyze Magnesium Implant Degradation Effects. McShane, Mike; Mukhopadhyay, Subhas; Bhattacharya, Enakshi (Red.). IEEE Sensors 2021 Conference Proceedings. IEEE Sensors Council.

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