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Tine Schauer Eri

Tine Schauer Eri



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  • Babies born better-studien

    Babies born better (B3) er eit langsiktig prosjekt som undersøkjer synspunkt og erfaringar til kvinner som har fødd dei siste tre åra.

Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Jerpseth, Heidi ; Kaasen, Anne ; Rivenes Lafontan, Sara ; Eri, Tine Schauer (2023). Experiences of Norwegian co-parents during COVID-19 pandemic restrictions: A qualitative study. International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being. Vol. 18.

Eri, Tine Schauer ; Røysum, Ingvild Grøtta; Meyer, Frida Bang; Mellemstrand, Maria Opstad; Bø, Rebekka; Sjømæling, Lillian; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika (2023). Important aspects of intrapartum care described by first-time mothers giving birth in specialised obstetric units in Norway: A qualitative analysis of two questions from the Babies Born Better study. Midwifery. Vol. 123.

Vedeler, Carina ; Eri, Tine Schauer ; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Blix, Ellen ; Downe, Soo; van der Wel, Kjetil A. ; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika (2023). Women’s negative childbirth experiences and socioeconomic factors: Results from the Babies Born Better survey. 9 s. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. Vol. 36.

Nørstebø, Heidi Strand; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Blix, Ellen ; Bakken, Kjersti Sletten; Eri, Tine Schauer (2023). Births in freestanding midwifery-led units in Norway: What women view as important aspects of care. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. Vol. 36.

Høifødt, Aase Irene; Huurnink, Johanne Mamohau Engenberg ; Egenberg, Signe; Massay, Deodatus Amadeus; Mchome, Bariki; Eri, Tine Schauer (2022). The perspectives of nurse-midwives and doctors on clinical challenges of prolonged labor: A qualitative study from Tanzania. European Journal of Midwifery. Vol. 6.

Hannon, Kathleen; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Murphy, Margaret; Eri, Tine Schauer ; Leahy-Warren, Patricia; Corcoran, Paul; Downe, Soo; Daly, Deirdre (2022). What women identify as positive aspects and areas for improvement of maternity care and services in Ireland: An online survey. Women and Birth.

Eri, Tine Schauer ; Blix, Ellen ; Downe, Soo; Vedeler, Carina ; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika (2022). Giving birth and becoming a parent during the COVID-19 pandemic: A qualitative analysis of 806 women's responses to three open-ended questions in an online survey. 7 s. Midwifery. Vol. 109.

Berg, Marie; Prinds, Christina; Eri, Tine Schauer (2022). Why is a theoretical basis for midwifery important?. Lundgren, Ingela Marie; Blix, Ellen; Gottfredsdottir, Helga; Wikberg, Anita; Nøhr, Ellen Aagaard (Red.). Theories and perspectives for midwifery : a Nordic view. s. 69-78. Studentlitteratur AB.

Eri, Tine Schauer (2022). Midwifery discourse. Lundgren, Ingela Marie; Blix, Ellen; Gottfredsdottir, Helga; Wikberg, Anita; Nøhr, Ellen Aagaard (Red.). Theories and perspectives for midwifery : a Nordic view. s. 211-218. Studentlitteratur AB.

Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika; Eri, Tine Schauer ; Downe, Soo; Fredriksen, Eva Haukeland (2021). Exploring women’s self-reported health problems in pregnancy in the UK and Norway. Health Care for Women International.

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