English version
Kjetil A. van der Wel

Kjetil A. van der Wel





Arbeid   Velferdsstat   Trygd   Arbeidslinja   Sosiale ulikheter og helse


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Vedeler, Carina ; Eri, Tine Schauer ; Nilsen, Roy Miodini; Blix, Ellen ; Downe, Soo; van der Wel, Kjetil A. ; Nilsen, Anne Britt Vika (2023). Women’s negative childbirth experiences and socioeconomic factors: Results from the Babies Born Better survey. 9 s. Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare. Vol. 36.

Berg-Beckhoff, Gabriele; Bask, M; Jervelund, S.S.; Guldager, J.D.; Quickfall, A; Rabiee Khan, F; Oddsson, G; van der Wel, Kjetil A. ; Sarasjärvi, K.K.; Olafsdottir, S; Buffel, Veerle; Skalicka, Vera; Van de Velde, S. (2022). Political stringency, infection rates, and higher education students' adherence to government measures in the Nordic countries and the UK during the first wave of the COVID-19 outbreak. Preventive Medicine. Vol. 164.

Bakken, Frøydis M.; van der Wel, Kjetil A. (2022). Cross-sectoral frontline delivery of welfare-to-work services for young adults with complex problems in Norway. 13 s. Social Policy & Administration.

Bilsteen, Josephine; Alenius, Suvi; Bråthen, Magne ; Børch, Klaus; Ekstrøm, Claus Thorn; Kajantie, Eero Olavi; Lashkarian, Mariam; Nurhonen, Markku; Risnes, Kari Ravndal; Sandin, Sven; Wel, Kjetil A. van der ; Wolke, Dieter; Nybo Andersen, Anne-Marie (2021). Gestational Age, Parent Education, and Education in Adulthood. Pediatrics.

Jensen, Maria Reinholdt ; van der Wel, Kjetil A. ; Bråthen, Magne (2021). Adolescent Mental Health Disorders and Upper Secondary School Completion – The Role of Family Resources. 15 s. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research.

Dahl, Espen ; Elstad, Jon Ivar ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; van der Wel, Kjetil A. (2021). Uførhet og dødsrisiko i arbeiderklassen - Hva betyr arbeidsmiljø og arbeidsforhold?. Ljunggren, Jørn; Hansen, Marianne Nordli (Red.). Arbeiderklassen. s. 275-291. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.

Brønnum-Hansen, Henrik; Östergren, Olof; Tarkiainen, Lasse; Hermansen, Åsmund ; Martikainen, Pekka; Wel, Kjetil A. van der ; Lundberg, Olle (2021). Changes in life expectancy and lifespan variability by income quartiles in four Nordic countries: a study based on nationwide register data. BMJ Open. Vol. 11.

Wel, Kjetil A. van der ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; Dahl, Espen ; Saltkjel, Therese (2021). Utsatte unges livsbaner før og etter NAV-reformen: Flere «integrerte», sammenhengende, progressive og effektive forløp?. Tidsskrift for velferdsforskning. Vol. 24.

Heggebø, Kristian ; Dahl, Espen ; van der Wel, Kjetil A. (2020). Disentangling the dynamics of social assistance: A linked survey—Register data cohort study of long-term social assistance recipients in Norway. PLOS ONE. Vol. 15.

Lunau, Thorsten; Wahrendorf, Morten; Dragano, Nico; Siegrist, Johannes; Wel, Kjetil A. van der ; Rigó, Mariann (2020). Associations between change in labour market policies and work stressors: a comparative longitudinal survey data analysis from 27 European countries. 15 s. BMC Public Health.

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