Work Inclusion in North and South: Comparative Urban Contexts (WINS)
WINS-prosjektet fokuserer på hvordan arbeidsinkludering kan styrke sosiale inkluderingen av marginaliserte individer.
Publikasjoner og forskningsresultater
Vitenskapelige publikasjoner
Harsløf, Ivan ; Lødemel, Ivar (2024). Norway: Activation in the Labouring Society. Jørgensen, Henning; Schulze, Michaela (Red.). Unemployment and Activation Policies in Europe and the US. Edward Elgar Publishing.
Lødemel, Ivar
; Moreira, Amilcar
Activation in Eight European Social Assistance Programs.
Besharov, Douglas J.; Call, Douglas M. (Red.).
Work and the Social Safety Net: Labor Activation in Europe and the United States. s. 91-121.
Oxford University Press.
Pellissery, Sony;
Lødemel, Ivar
Introduction: Property and social citizenship.
Social Policy and Society.
Vol. 19.
Lødemel, Ivar ; Pellissery, Sony (2020). State of the art. Property and social citizenship: Social policy beyond the North. 18 s. Social Policy and Society. Vol. 19.
Pellissery, Sony;
Lødemel, Ivar
Property and social citizenship: Social policy beyond the north.
17 s.
Social Policy and Society.
Vol. 19.
Lødemel, Ivar ; Pellissery, Sony (2020). Some useful sources. 3 s. Social Policy and Society. Vol. 19.
van der Wel, Kjetil A. ; Hermansen, Åsmund ; Dahl, Espen ; Lødemel, Ivar ; Løyland, Borghild (2019). Fra marginalisering til arbeidsinkludering? Intensjoner og realiteter gjennom NAV-reformen. Aamodt, Hilde Anette; Dahl, Espen; Gubrium, Erika; Haldar, Marit; Hermansen, Åsmund (Red.). Sosialt arbeid og sosialpolitikk i samhandling. s. 289-312. Fagbokforlaget.
Gubrium, Erika
; Johnstone, Leah;
Lødemel, Ivar
Building Dignity?: Tracing Rights, Discretion, and Negotiation within a Norwegian Labor Activation Program.
The International Journal of Social Quality.
Vol. 6.
Gubrium, Erika
Lødemel, Ivar
(Relative) poverty in a rich welfare state: Experiences from Norway.
Chase, Elaine; Bantebya-Kyomuhendo, Grace (Red.).
Poverty and Shame: Global Experiences.
Oxford University Press.
Gubrium, Erika
Harsløf, Ivan
Lødemel, Ivar
Norwegian activation reform on a wave of wider welfare state change: A critical assessment.
Lødemel, Ivar; Moreira, Amilcar (Red.).
Activation or Workfare? Governance and the Neo-Liberal Convergence.
Oxford University Press.