English version
Ivan Harsløf

Ivan Harsløf

Kort om

Ivan Harsløf har master i samfunnsfag og internasjonale studier fra Aalborg Universitet (1998), og ph.d. i sosiologi, Universitetet i Oslo (2007). Han har hatt studieopphold ved Sonoma State University, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, og Universitá Milano-Bicocca. Han har tidligere jobbet ved Det nationale forskningscenter for velfærd (SFI) i Danmark, og ved Norsk institutt for forskning om oppvekst, velferd og aldring (NOVA).

Siden 2006 har han vært på HiOA (nå OsloMet) – som daglig leder for Gruppe for inkluderende velferd (2006-2010), fungerende forskningsleder for det tværrfakultære programmet Helse, omsorg og velferd (2010-2012), og fra 2011, prodekan for FoU på Fakultet for samfunnsvitenskap.

Han underviser i Comparative Social Welfare Theory and Concepts (SIW4000), Stats- og kommunalkunnskap (SOS1000; SOS2000) og Arbeidsmarkedspolitikk (SSA4100).



Sosialt arbeid   Sosiologi   Statsvitenskap og organisasjonsteori


Arbeidsliv   Komparative studier   Velferd og fattigdom   Ulikheter i helse   Arbeidsrettet rehabilitering   Aktiv sosialpolitikk   Nye sosiale risikofaktorer


Europa   Norden


Vitenskapelige publikasjoner

Harsløf, Ivan ; Lødemel, Ivar (2024). Norway: Activation in the Labouring Society. Jørgensen, Henning; Schulze, Michaela (Red.). Unemployment and Activation Policies in Europe and the US. Edward Elgar Publishing.

Harsløf, Ivan (2024). Nordic egalitarianism at the face of evolving social risks. Problemy Polityki Społecznej. Vol. 65.

Harsløf, Ivan (2024). Exchanging theories and concepts on welfare policies between North and South. Biswas, Sattwick Dey; Sambo, Cleopas Gabriel; Pellissery, Sony (Red.). The Politics of Welfare in the Global South. Oxford University Press.

Greve, Bent; Harsløf, Ivan ; Gerven, Minna van; Nieuwenhuis, Rense; Strigén, Jacob (2023). How Have the Nordic Welfare States Responded to the Unexpected Increase in Inflation?. 13 s. Social Policy and Society.

Harsløf, Ivan ; Larsen, Kristian ; Bambra, Clare (2022). When health is wealth: occupationally differentiated patterns of health capital in post-industrial Europe. Social Theory & Health.

Harsløf, Ivan ; Zuev, Dennis (2022). Temporary transnational labour mobility and gendered individualization in Europe. Mobilities.

Larsen, Kristian ; Harsløf, Ivan (2021). ‘The human bottom line’: New institutionalism and Bourdieu’s field theory on the growing prominence of healthiness in Nordic work organizations. Robinson, Sarah; Ernst, Jette; Larsen, Kristian; Thomassen, Ole Jacob (Red.). Pierre Bourdieu in Studies of Organization and Management. Societal Change and Transforming Fields . Routledge.

Larsen, Kristian ; Harsløf, Ivan (2020). Promoting Health as a Form of Capital: The Transformation of the Danish Healthcare Field as Experienced By Private Healthcare Professionals. Collyer, Fran; Willis, Karen (Red.). Navigating Private and Public Healthcare: Experiences of Patients, Doctors and Policy-Makers. s. 201-223. Palgrave Macmillan.

Asimakopoulou, Koula; Hoorens, Vera; Speed, Ewen; Coulson, Neil; Antoniszczak, Dominika; Collyer, Fran; Deschrijver, Eliane; Dubbin, Leslie; Faulks, Denise; Forsyth, Rowena; Goltsi, Vicky; Harsløf, Ivan ; Larsen, Kristian ; Manaras, Irene; Olczak‐Kowalczyk, Dorota; Willis, Karen; Xenou, Tatiana; Scambler, Sasha (2020). Comparative optimism about infection and recovery from COVID‐19; Implications for adherence with lockdown advice. Health Expectations.

Borch, Anita ; Harsløf, Ivan ; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad ; Laitala, Kirsi (2019). Inclusive Consumption: Immigrants' Access to and Use of Public and Private Goods and Services. ISBN: 9788215031682. 183 s. Universitetsforlaget.

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