Norwegian version
Anne Eikeland

Anne Eikeland

Scientific publications

Christiansen, Bjørg ; Averlid, Gertrud M; Baluyot, Cynthia; Blomberg, Karin ; Eikeland, Anne ; Finstad, Ingrid Rachel Strand ; Holm Larsen, Monica; Lindeflaten, Katrin (2020). Challenges in the assessment of nursing students in clinical placements: Exploring perceptions among nurse mentors. 8 p. Nursing Open.

Averlid, Gertrud M; Eikeland, Anne (2019). Vurdering av studentenes handlingskompetanse i anestesi- og intensivsykepleie. Christiansen, Bjørg; Jensen, Kari Toverud; Larsen, Kristian (Ed.). Vurdering av kompetanse i praksisstudier - En vitenskapelig antologi. p. 146-162. Gyldendal Akademisk.

Johannessen, Gudrun; Eikeland, Anne ; Stubberud, Dag-Gunnar ; Fagerstrøm , Lisbeth (2011). A descriptive study of patient satisfaction and the structural factors of Norwegian intensive care nursing. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. Vol. 27.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete