Norwegian version
Karin Blomberg

Karin Blomberg

Fields of study

Academic disciplines

Social anthropology   Nursing science

Subject areas

Practise based research   Medical anthropology

Scientific publications

Christiansen, Bjørg ; Blomberg, Karin ; Lindeflaten, Katrin ; Holm Larsen, Monica ; Averlid, Gertrud M; Salinas, Deborah ; Hessevaagbakke, Elisabeth (2023). Praksisveilederes erfaring med lokale læreplaner for sykepleierstudenter. Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning. Vol. 19.

Sæterstrand, Torill Margaret ; Blomberg, Karin ; Finstad, Ann-Kristin ; Sheikoleslami, Rohangez ; Bjørge, Heidi ; Halvorsrud, Liv ; Karterud, Dag (2021). Caring, Learning and Learning Environment in the Early Stage of the Pandemic. "I want to become a nurse to contribute to society!" Nursing students experiences 3 months into a pandemic-views on study situation and thoughts on a future in nursing. International Journal of Caring Sciences (IJCS). Vol. 14.

Christiansen, Bjørg ; Averlid, Gertrud M; Baluyot, Cynthia; Blomberg, Karin ; Eikeland, Anne ; Finstad, Ingrid Rachel Strand ; Holm Larsen, Monica ; Lindeflaten, Katrin (2020). Challenges in the assessment of nursing students in clinical placements: Exploring perceptions among nurse mentors. 8 p. Nursing Open.

Blomberg, Karin ; Baluyot, Cynthia (2019). Vurdering av andreårsstudenter i hjemmebaserte tjenester - en utfordrende oppgave. Christiansen, Bjørg; Jensen, Kari Toverud; Larsen, Kristian (Ed.). Vurdering av kompetanse i praksisstudier - En vitenskapelig antologi. p. 99-110. Gyldendal Akademisk.

These publications are obtained from Cristin. The list may be incomplete